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The Government will meet on Monday with the industry to discuss specific measures for the Contingency Plan


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The Government will meet on Monday with the industry to discuss specific measures for the Contingency Plan


The Minister of Industry, Commerce and Tourism, Reyes Maroto, has advanced that the Government will meet next Monday with the industry to analyze "specific accompanying measures" for the sector with a view to the next Contingency Plan for energy consumption.

Maroto, who will also meet with the tourism and trade sectors, recalled this Wednesday that industry accounts for 50% of the country's energy consumption.

In statements prior to the 36th Meeting of the Digital Economy and Telecommunications organized by Ametic in Santander, the minister has also valued the dialogue with the rest of the economic actors and political forces.

"We are used to many political forces, and in particular the Popular Party, voting 'no' to everything. I think that at this moment we must add", assured the minister, who has urged the autonomous communities to present proposals for the Contingency Plan.

However, Maroto has not advanced concrete measures, since the plan is under development.

In addition, he highlighted the change in France's position regarding MidCat, the gas pipeline that would link Spain with the neighboring country to increase its energy export capacity.

The country presided over by Emmanuel Macron has opened up to studying the project after repeated requests from Spain and Germany, the last one on Tuesday after a meeting between the President of the Government, Pedro Sánchez, with the German Chancellor, Olaf Scholz, and his Executive.

Reyes Maroto