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What happens if the postal vote reaches me when I'm traveling?: This says Correos

   MADRID, 6 Jun.

- 2 reads.

What happens if the postal vote reaches me when I'm traveling?: This says Correos


Citizens who wish to vote by mail for the general elections on July 23 will receive the documentation at the address of their choice between July 3 and 16, and may deposit it at any Post Office in Spain no later than July 19, when the term ends.

To do this, the request for telematic voting must be made no later than Thursday, July 13 at any Post Office in Spain during its normal hours or online through its website. The document must include the address where the person interested in voting will be from Monday, July 3 to Sunday, July 16.

Postal couriers will try to personally deliver the documentation to the requesting person up to a maximum of two times. After that, they will leave an arrival notice for collection at the corresponding post office, where it will remain until Wednesday, July 19, at the latest, when the deadline for the interested party to deposit the envelope with their vote at a Post Office.


Once the vote has been requested, the Electoral Census Office will send the necessary documentation --which includes the party ballots or the registration in the census-- to the address indicated by the person concerned, where the Correos staff will verify the identity of the voter through the DNI, Passport or Driving Permit.

In the application to request the electronic vote, it is not necessary to enter the habitual residence and it is possible to indicate the address where you will be on vacation, be it a second residence, the home of a relative or even a hotel or apartment.

In the event that the interested party is not present at the indicated address --from July 3 to 16--, up to two times, a notice will be left and the documentation with the vote will remain in the corresponding Post Office until the day that ends the term to deposit the vote, Wednesday, July 19. To collect the envelope, it is also necessary for the voter to identify themselves.


The voter may deliver the envelope with the vote from Monday, July 3 to Wednesday, July 19 at any Post Office. There, Correos will follow the instructions issued by the Central Electoral Board, so it is possible that it also asks for identification when delivering the envelope.
