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Extra virgin olive oil rises 4.1% in supermarkets, but at origin they pay 1.21 euros less than in January

MADRID, 23 Abr.

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Extra virgin olive oil rises 4.1% in supermarkets, but at origin they pay 1.21 euros less than in January


The average price of a liter of extra virgin olive oil reached 13.45 euros in April, 4.1% more than at the beginning of the year, despite the fact that at origin it is paid 1.21 euros less than in the first month of the year, according to Facua-Consumidores en Acción.

During the second week of April, the liter of extra virgin olive oil was paid at source at 6.88 euros before taxes, while in the first week of January it was 8.09 euros per liter, according to data from the Ministry of Agriculture, Fishing and Food.

Virgin olive oil has also registered a similar drop in the price at origin, since in January the farmer was paid 7.35 euros per liter, while in the second week of April its price was 6.21 euros per liter (1. 14 euros less).

The average price per liter of extra virgin olive oil in the main supermarkets (Mercadona, Dia, Hipercor, Alcampo, Eroski and Carrefour) was 12.92 euros in January 2024. Thus, the average price of 13.45 euros per liter registered in April represents an increase of 4.1%.

Among the prices of the 30 oils collected by Facua, the most expensive product is the liter of Carbonell brand Arbequina and Hojiblanca extra virgin at Hipercor (El Corte Inglés), where it costs 15.99 euros.

The increase has been more pronounced in five-liter bottles of extra virgin olive oil, with an average price of 56.50 euros in January compared to 59.37 euros in April, an increase of 5.1%. The most expensive five-liter bottle among those analyzed by Facua is Maestros de Hojiblanca, on sale at Hipercor for 65.89 euros.

Facua has recalled that "it is still waiting" from the Ministry of Social Rights, Consumption and Agenda 2030, which has not concluded its investigation into the increases in margins on foods with reduced VAT (such as olive oil), a practice prohibited since that in January 2023 this tax reduction came into force.