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The PSOE defines Feijóo as "a great fraud" without "political stature" to govern and lead the PP

The socialists believe that it is still Ayuso who dictates the policies in Genoa.

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The PSOE defines Feijóo as "a great fraud" without "political stature" to govern and lead the PP

The socialists believe that it is still Ayuso who dictates the policies in Genoa


The Federal Executive of the PSOE considers that the president of the PP, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, has turned out to be "a great fraud" who, far from asserting his aura as a moderate politician, has shown that he lacks "political stature" both to govern Spain one day and to lead a party in which the president of the Community of Madrid, Isabel Díaz Ayuso, is the one who continues to dictate the policies.

That is the x-ray they make of the leader of the 'popular' at the start of the new political course, which had its first act this Thursday in Congress with the approval of the decree on energy saving measures as well as other laws.

Sources from the PSOE have once again blamed the PP for its lack of a sense of State and, above all, of common sense for its rejection of this decree and have insisted that the main opposition party "does not have a project for the country that is aimed to all citizens or a leadership".

"Feijóo came with a moderate aura and is showing the opposite: he is not up to the circumstances, he is not moderate, he is not solvent or he is a leader," they maintain in Ferraz. "He is a great fraud," summarize the sources, who believe that the PP pulled the former Galician president "as the lesser evil."

However, in these months he is showing that "he does not have the political stature to be able to lead this country and even to be able to lead his own party" in which they maintain that it is Díaz Ayuso who continues to "impose the most conservative theses" on all the issues in Genoa. Feijóo is not printing his "sign of identity" in the game.

Spain "needs a strong opposition and requires a PP that really has things clear and a sense of state" but the 'popular' seem today more interested in discussing with whom the measures are agreed than their content despite that these are common sense, like those approved on Thursday, they have claimed from the PSOE.

Thus, the socialists accuse the 'popular' of having engaged in a "scorched earth policy" and of representing as never before in the more than 40 years of democracy "the interests of a minority and the powerful" against a Government that governs for the majority of 95%.

For the PSOE, the PP's commitment to "generate tension and noise" with each measure is "very dangerous" because with it "in the end it turns on and confronts the citizens." "We want an opposition that is up to the task and we want to agree with the PP despite the fact that they do not want to agree," say the sources consulted.