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Only 2% of 'tweets' are in favor of the banking tax, according to Kreab

MADRID, 17 Jul.

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Only 2% of 'tweets' are in favor of the banking tax, according to Kreab


Only 2% of the total messages on Twitter analyzed by the consulting firm Kreab have been in favor of the new banking tax, announced on Tuesday by the Government, while the majority of users would have been "reluctant" to the measures taken by the Executive of Pedro Sánchez.

This is reflected in a report prepared by the communication consultant on the digital impact on the rate for financial entities that the Government has begun to prepare and whose application would be limited to the years 2023 and 2024.

To do so, Kreab has collected around 4,300 'tweets' published on the social network between Tuesday, July 12 and 14, directly related to this measure.

The study shows that the greatest impact took place on Tuesday 12, between 1:00 p.m. and 2:46 p.m., coinciding with the announcement of the new tax made by the President of the Government, Pedro Sánchez, in the Debate on the State of the Nation, which It happened shortly before 1:00 p.m.

"The media across the country echoed the news in real time, turning their headlines on Twitter, which generated an immediate response from users," says Kreab.

From that peak, the conversation "decreased noticeably", evolving towards messages with "reflections" on the impact of the measure on citizens and companies.

In general, Kreab points out that the majority of Twitter users are "reluctant" to the government's measures, "noting that the bank tax was going to have a high impact on citizens." 40% of the messages analyzed in the report would revolve around this theme.

However, he observes a group of users "in favor of it; not thinking so much about the possible consequences, but claiming that years ago the bank was rescued and now a measure is being taken that benefits the citizen."

These users would have celebrated that "a leftist measure is finally being taken", although this opinion would represent only 2% of the total conversation collected.

As for banking, the report shows that 8% of all the impacts located on Twitter are related to the first reactions by the sector, which are "mainly against".

"There are also comments related to the expected collection thanks to this tax and Spain is compared with Latin American countries such as Venezuela," adds the analysis.

Likewise, Kreab highlights that the health of financial institutions "is something that worries both the media and a significant number of users: almost 17% of all 'tweets', around 700, refer to stock market losses experienced by banks a few hours after the announcement of the tax.