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Interior brings together seven ETA members, including the murderers of Ernest Lluch and the Jiménez-Becerril couple

The victims denounce that 14 terrorists remain without being transferred to the Basque Country and Navarra following the "humiliation roadmap".

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Interior brings together seven ETA members, including the murderers of Ernest Lluch and the Jiménez-Becerril couple

The victims denounce that 14 terrorists remain without being transferred to the Basque Country and Navarra following the "humiliation roadmap"

The General Secretariat of Penitentiary Institutions, dependent on the Ministry of the Interior, has agreed with the Basque Government the approach of six other ETA prisoners, while a seventh will go to the prison of Pamplona (Navarra). Among the ETA members are the murderers of the former socialist minister Ernest Lluch, that of the PP councilor in Seville Alberto Jiménez-Becerril and his wife Ascensión García and that of the Navarrese politician Tomás Caballero.

The Association for Victims of Terrorism (AVT) has criticized that "Bildu's partners continue with their road map of humiliating the victims of terrorism." According to his count, there are only 14 ETA members left serving sentences in prisons other than those of the Basque Country and Navarra after the government of Pedro Sánchez put an end to the dispersal policy.

Among those close to the Basque Country are Fernando García Jodrá and José Ignacio Cruchaga Elezcano, both convicted of the murder --among others-- of former socialist minister Ernest Lluch. Also José Luis Barrios, the ETA member convicted of murdering the Jiménez-Becerril couple.

Francisco Ruiz Romero will go to Pamplona, ​​convicted of killing Navarrese politician Tomás Caballero, father of the current president of the Foundation for Victims of Terrorism.

The other ETA members who will go to Basque prisons -whose government assumed jurisdiction over penitentiary matters last year- are Fernando Elejalde Tapia, Jesús María Echevarría Garaicoechea and Daniel Pastor Alonso. All have crimes of blood and five of the seven prisoners are serving sentences so far in León, which is now without ETA members.

Elejalde Tapia ended the life of prison official Francisco Javier Gómez Elósegui and was also sentenced to 15 years in prison for injuring a cook in San Sebastián with a bomb attack. Jesús María Echevarría Garaicoechea is in prison for killing the civil guard Antonio Molina Martín.

Judge Daniel Pastor Alonso tried for ending the lives of the military man Luis Conde de la Cruz and the national policeman Eduardo Antonio Puelles García.

In addition, the National Court sentenced him to 3,860 years in prison for planting the van bomb that exploded in front of the Burgos barracks in the early morning of July 29, 2009 and left 160 wounded of varying degrees, including 41 children.

Of the seven terrorist transfers, Daniel Pastor Alonso is the one furthest away from fulfilling 3/4 of the sentence, in February 2041, after entering prison on March 4, 2011 to serve 40 years of sentence accumulated.