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Bildu asks to "purify" the "regime of 78" and calls for the unity of the Government and its partners against the TC

MADRID, 20 Dic.

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Bildu asks to "purify" the "regime of 78" and calls for the unity of the Government and its partners against the TC


The spokesperson for EH Bildu in Congress, Mertxe Aizpurua, has called on Tuesday to "purify the mortgage" which, in her opinion, is the "regime of 78" and has asked the Government and its parliamentary partners to "be up to the task" and ally against the "ordago" that, in his opinion, has been launched by the "political and judicial right" through the "illegitimate" decision of the Constitutional Court (TC) to paralyze the parliamentary process of the norm that the court itself seeks to renew.

The Plenary of the TC agreed on Monday, by six votes to five, to urgently suspend the parliamentary process, already in the Senate, of the two amendments by which the system of election and arrival of the two candidates to the TC that appoints the General Council of the Judiciary (CGPJ), thus admitting the very precautionary measures requested by the PP in its appeal against said amendments.

At a press conference in Congress, Aizpurua described what happened as "very serious", in his opinion "a judicial coup" against the "legitimate representation emanating from the polls", and has demanded a "calm but quick reflection" that leads to a "global agreement of the parliamentary majority" to defend "the right of the citizenry to have their elected representatives choose policies."

Bildu does not plan to present concrete measures in this regard, although it has made itself "available" to any initiatives that arise. According to the spokeswoman, it is the coalition government that must take the step.

Aizpurua has stressed that the separation of powers "does not exist" in Spain, a country with a democracy "of very low quality" with the "pillars of the regime of 78 intact." "It is time to purify these apparatuses and bet on the deep democratization that this State needs", he has settled.