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I have tested for you the Mooc of Pôle emploi

Free of charge, without time constraint, without control, and interactive: Pôle emploi launched in April its first Mooc, these online courses are open to all. W

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I have tested for you the Mooc of Pôle emploi

Free of charge, without time constraint, without control, and interactive: Pôle emploi launched in April its first Mooc, these online courses are open to all. We tested them for you. Verdict: not bad at all!

"Building a professional project", "organize job search", "to succeed in his / her CV and letter of application", "to succeed in the job interview, and raise the employer"... Since April, the job center offers four Moocs for employment" - the English Massive Open Online Courses - online training courses free, accessible to all 24 hours on 24. Has the date of 20 may, 14 000 people had already registered on the platform, including 7060 for the only Mooc "building a professional project". Building on this success, this course should be completed by mid-may has been extended until 15 June at 20h. New sessions will be organised at the beginning of July. It was not necessary any more to convince me to participate.

A nickname and of course in video

here I am inscribed with the name of a heroine of video games. What participate incognito. The home page is stark, but clear. It shows four tabs: course content, news, discussions, progress. The course outline is displayed in a column down on the left: you can move forward or backward. The navigation is pretty easy, even when one is not familiar with this kind of tools. The Mooc is organized in four sequences: identify his / her skills; identify their professional interests; to assess the feasibility of my project; to define its professional strategy and its action plan. The facilitator is Fabien Beltrame, head of the department for vocational guidance and training employment centre. Its interventions take the form of videos of a few minutes, a little repetitive, but very didactic. It presents the course, the concepts to know the procedures to follow. I lose the thread as soon as the first video, which describes in great detail the plan of the Mooc...

My goal: to identify one or more occupations, that take into account my skills, my interests, as well as in the labour market. Classic, each sequence is composed of a current filmed, a quiz to check the assimilation of knowledge or a practical exercise. As you know: follow a Mooc is an investment of time estimated at two to three hours per week! You should be prepared to write, to fill in Excel tables and do research on the internet. After a break of ten days between the two clips, I had trouble finding the place where I had left the course, in this frame rather complex.

5105 CV-26 bids!

over The sequences, I try to identify my skills and provide my professional interests. I analyze the professional environment that I aim for and the possibilities of realization of my project. Finally, I put in place a strategy for action. I make lists, charts, road maps. These practical works are done independently, from downloadable documents. Example: I go to a professional experience that I particularly appreciated. I list the tasks that I realized, and then for each, I evaluate my interest and my master's degree on a scale of 1 to 4. Finally, I'll rephrase for presenting these activities as "skills". Effective! The exercises are not graded, nor put online, nor visible to others. The "progression" contains a dashboard, which indicates the courses viewed, the exercises done, as well as my personal results (excellent, that goes without saying!).

Fabien, the host, is encouraged to use the page "information on the labour market" of the site of Pôle emploi, in order to better assess whether the job market is favourable or not to the trades that interest me. The results are stark: at the time of my research, there were 5105 CV of journalists (my job, therefore) in the Ile-de-France... 26 offers! It is better to look for side jobs community manager: 85 offers for "only" 1123 CV online...

"What is your job profile?"

Fortunately, to cheer up and to know each other better, several tests are offered as a bonus. Pretty short, but fun and informative. By doing the test "what is your job profile?", I am learning that mine is investigator to 58%, art 25%, and conventional at 16%. Two other tests to know the palatability and suitability for entrepreneurship, designed by the Chambers of commerce and industry, show me that, if I have spirit of initiative, authority, and ease in decision-making, I find it hard to get out of my comfort zone... Not a fake.

Some of the concepts discussed are not simple to understand: the feasibility of the project, the levels of qualification, the validation of acquired experience, etc., section "discussion" leads to the forum where I can post my questions and my comments, and discuss with the other participants. We help each other. B. questions about the place to give his experience of a volunteer in an association. One participant advised him to submit as his / her professional skills.

Seek the experts

The members of the educational team, you may apply for, often come into play. Their response is not always immediate, but falls generally within 12 hours. G. wants to know what form to give to a document outlining a professional project. The teaching team immediately steps in to suggest ways in which, before returning a week later with a new document template to download. Of course, the questions and comments posted on the forum are sometimes off-topic: "is it Necessary to privilege the delivery by hand of a CV?" for example ... But they reflect the immense variety of the public registered, not yet familiar with the world of the Mooc.

the great advantage of The Mooc is its flexibility: we can not go until the end without being penalized. It will always be possible to re-register when new sessions or follow others. The quizzes and exercises are not done under the gaze of the other participants. Perfect for the shy and discreet. The tools are intended to guide thinking, such as courses in video, is downloadable, and can be retained. About the tests "bonus", they are motivating, and make them want to learn more about yourself. So I leave the Mooc with a method established, the tools well-designed and useful in the future. And most importantly, a Mooc for the job allows you to dedicate a few hours to a fascinating subject: yourself!

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