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The PNV boasts of ruining Feijóo's chances of being president

He informed the leader of the PP that the PNV is "incompatible" with Vox and that the program he had defended in the campaign was opposed to his.

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The PNV boasts of ruining Feijóo's chances of being president

He informed the leader of the PP that the PNV is "incompatible" with Vox and that the program he had defended in the campaign was opposed to his


The president of the EBB of the PNV, Andoni Ortuzar, has affirmed that his party is the one that "has ruined" the possibility that the president of the PP, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, has been able to "go to a direct investiture" as president of the Government and arrive to Moncloa. In the conversation they had at the beginning of the week, Ortuzar informed the PP leader that the PNV is "incompatible" with Vox, and that the program that he had defended in the campaign was opposed to that of the jeltzales.

"If the PNV had told Feijóo on Monday that it was going to negotiate, things would have been completely different, right? In other words, in the end, voting for the PNV also in Spanish (elections) is a useful vote," he said. added.

The president of the EBB telephoned the Popular Party candidate for the presidency of the Executive last Monday night to convey his refusal to start talks to facilitate his investiture, after he had tried to contact the highest representative throughout that day of the PNV.

This decision had been agreed upon at the meeting that the EBB, the leadership of the jeltzale formation, had held that same day at the Sabin Etxea headquarters in Bilbao, consistent with what it had held over the last few weeks.

The different jeltzal leaders, including Ortuzar himself, had repeatedly warned publicly that Feijóo had "crossed a red line by putting Vox in the institutions", and that the PNV would not enter, "in any way", in "the PP-Vox equation".

In an interview given to Radio Euskadi, collected by Europa Press, Andoni Ortuzar has considered today that the loss of votes in these general elections of his party has also been due to the polarization that has occurred and because the elections were held by Cortes Generales, and the results are different from the Basque elections.

In any case, he has stressed that part of the people who have voted for the jeltzales on other occasions have thought that in the general elections "Vox had to be stopped." For this reason, he wanted to send "a message to all those who have thought about the useful vote" and have voted for other options: "the one who has stopped Feijóo's option to go to Moncloa has been the PNV. If the PNV had told Feijóo on Monday that he was going to negotiate, things would have been completely different, right?

Ortuzar has defended that, "in the end, the useful vote is possible with different arguments and, of course, voting for the PNV also in Spanish, is a useful vote." "Because we have been the ones who have ruined Feijóo's chances of going to a direct investiture. Let's put the accent and also value the position of parties like ours, also at the state level," he remarked.

Regarding the telephone conversation that he had with Alberto Núñez Feijóo, he has assured that he was "polite but clear, so that there are no doubts and so that there can be no misinterpretations."

"I made him see that the position of the PNV was very clear, it was very clear. Given the parliamentary arithmetic, the only option that the PP has is to join Vox. We with Vox are incompatible and, in addition, I also expressed to them that the demonstrations and the advances that he had made of a possible government program were radically contradictory with what the PNV defends and that this made it impossible for us to sit down and negotiate an investiture," he added.

As he has insisted, this communication with Núñez Feijóo was "clear and cordial, and it was not very long." The president of the PNV had the feeling that he knew what the reaction of the jeltzales was going to be. "We all have a calculator in our hands and we know what is possible and what is not possible," he pointed out.