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The Basque Government defends the legality of an ETA prisoner having been released from jail to the dentist without police custody

BILBAO, 28 Jul.

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The Basque Government defends the legality of an ETA prisoner having been released from jail to the dentist without police custody


The Basque Government adviser on penitentiary matters, Jaime Tapia, has defended the legality of the fact that ETA prisoner Mikel Otegi, convicted of murdering two ertzainas, has been released from prison to the dentist without police custody, and has stated that it is common in cases in which there is no risk of recidivism or flight, and no danger to society or the victims.

In statements to Radio Euskadi and Euskadi Irratia, collected by Europa Press, Tapia referred to the journalistic information that affirms that the Basque Executive yesterday granted permission to go alone to the dentist to Otegi, who is serving a sentence of 24 years in prison for killing in 1995 in Itsasondo (Guipúzcoa) to two ertzainas. He is currently in the Zaballa prison.

The Basque Government adviser on penitentiary matters has indicated that "these permits are given when appropriate". "It is clear that it is provided for in the Law and it is not something that the Basque Government has invented nor is it arbitrary," he asserted.

Jaime Tapia has said that it is a possibility "contemplated for those people who have a need to go to a medical consultation, after a medical report, if it is determined that that person needs treatment that cannot be given by the medical services of the prison." .

"The criminal and penitentiary situation is assessed, as is the possibility that there is a risk of recidivism or violation of the sentence and, if the requirements are met, permission is granted to go to the medical consultation. It is a common practice," he added. .

He has also admitted that, on the other hand, it is done "with an idea of ​​economy of spending". "A police patrol has certain expenses and, if that person can go without the need for the patrol and without security measures, then it is adopted. It is what is called self-government. That person returns when the consultation has finished," he insisted.

As he specified, this case is not "something exceptional", but "it is more or less common and is part of everyday life". "In a rule of law and a prison system that seeks to safeguard health and aims at dignity and respect for human rights, the fact that those deprived of liberty can go to community services and be cared for should not cause a scandal, but rather It should cause satisfaction that the penitentiary system is humane and protective of people's dignity", he remarked.