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Pelé worsens due to the advance of his cancer

'O Rei', admitted since November 29, will spend Christmas in the hospital.

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Pelé worsens due to the advance of his cancer

'O Rei', admitted since November 29, will spend Christmas in the hospital


Former Brazilian soccer player Edson Arantes do Nascimento 'Pelé' has suffered a worsening state of health since Wednesday, according to the hospital in Sao Paulo (Brazil) where he has been admitted since the end of November 29.

"Admitted since November 29 for reassessment of chemotherapy therapy for a colon tumor and treatment of a respiratory infection, Edson Arantes do Nascimento presents progression of the oncological disease and requires greater care related to renal and cardiac dysfunctions," says the Statement from the Albert Einstein Israeli Hospital.

Pelé, myth and soccer legend, author of more than 1,000 goals and champion in three World Cups, will spend Christmas in the hospital, as confirmed by his daughter Kely Nascimento on social networks. The alarms went off that day 29 due to a rejection of chemotherapy that, from some Brazilian media, was already called fatal.

However, the health of 'O Rei' remained stable these weeks and was responding well to the antibiotic for the respiratory infection. The bad news this Friday puts Pelé, at 82, back in the spotlight, already to a greater or lesser extent in all the media since that colon tumor was removed in September 2021. The metastasis diagnosed at the beginning of 2022 was a major setback against which he continues to fight.
