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Belarra says that "power wants to restore bipartisanship" between PP and PSOE and calls for "the best result" for Sumar

   PAMPLONA, 24 Jun.

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Belarra says that "power wants to restore bipartisanship" between PP and PSOE and calls for "the best result" for Sumar


The Secretary General of Podemos and Minister of Social Rights and the 2030 Agenda, Ione Belarra, has assured that "what power wants in these elections" is "the restoration of bipartisanship" between PP and PSOE. For this reason, she stressed that it is "fundamental" that the coalition between Sumar and Podemos "have the best possible result" because "we are the only guarantee" to "stop the right-wing" and that "political transformations" continue.

Transformations that "have not gone as fast as the progressive citizens of this country would like because we have constantly had to drag a PSOE that does not want those transformations."

This was stated in an act that the purple party held this Saturday in Pamplona, ​​entitled 'For the right to housing', in which Idoia Villanueva, Sumar's candidate for the Congress of Deputies for Navarra, also participated; Alejandra Jacinto, spokesperson and secretary of the Right to Housing for Podemos; Pilar Garrido, candidate for the Congress of Deputies for Bizkaia; Rafa Mayoral, secretary of Republican Horizon of Podemos; and Edurne Eguino, Sumar's candidate for the Senate from Navarra.

Ione Belarra has highlighted that "if you listen to what the PSOE and Popular Party candidates say, it is very clear that what they want is to debate among themselves" because "what the power in Spain wants is for everything to remain the same and that nothing change."

He has warned that "if they finally achieve their objective and the PP and the PSOE are strong after the elections, what will happen is a movie that we already saw in 2016, and that is that media and political pressure will be unleashed savage towards the PSOE so that it abstains and that the PP governs". "And the only way to stop that, the only way to guarantee that the progressive and plurinational governance that we have inaugurated in this legislature is maintained, is for our coalition to be very strong," he insisted.

"Or is it that someone thinks that ERC and EH Bildu are going to be able to participate in the governance of the State if this political force is not strong?", he asked.

The leader of Podemos has highlighted that "these rights are only stopped with more rights, with courageous transformations that mobilize the progressive electorate, who feel that we are doing what they voted for." "Navarra is without any doubt the best example", she underlined.

Belarra has affirmed that "never before had left-wing nationalist forces participated in the governance of the State until Podemos came to the government of our country." "Therefore, obtaining the best possible result is absolutely essential," he reiterated.

Ione Belarra has affirmed that the Housing Law is a "good example" of a "difficult" legislature in which "we have had to push very hard for the measures to be carried out."

He recalled that "I signed with the PSOE the regulation of rental prices in 2018 and almost five years have passed." "We have had to condition the General State Budget twice to continue processing the Housing Law and it was only when the regional and municipal elections were about to be held that the PSOE finally unblocked" this law, he criticized.

The general secretary of Podemos has described the PSOE as "an eminently conservative force" in the sense that it is a political formation that "tends to preserve what already exists, tends to keep things as they are." "I think it escapes no one that the Socialist Party has been part of the 'pitch' consensus and the speculation consensus in our country for decades," she remarked.

In this sense, he has said that "I do not forget" the statements by former minister José Luis Ábalos in which he stated that housing "is a right but also a market good", the "systematic meetings that the president has had of the Government with the vulture funds" or that "it was a socialist minister who said in the previous crisis that what she had to do was speed up the evictions".

"I do not forget all this and I do not forget that throughout the legislature it has been enormously difficult to carry out all the housing measures," he added.

Ione Belarra has criticized that housing "has been big business in our country." He has expressed his "pride" for public health "in which no one is left lying at the door of an emergency room because they do not have to pay for that care", and for a public education in which "absolutely no one gets into debt for life to pay for a master's degree or the university degree of his sons and daughters".

However, he regretted that "we are a country where people get into debt for life to pay a mortgage or pay rent." "I want to live in a country and in a Navarra where our sons and daughters grow up free of that enormous burden, of that tricky inheritance in which you spend practically your entire life trying to see if you can make ends meet by paying the rent. or paying the mortgage", has claimed.

Ione Belarra has assured that "thanks to our strength we have managed to make things that seemed impossible a reality". Thus, he has affirmed that, thanks to the presence of United We Can in the Government of Spain, "a massive intervention in rental prices" has been possible. Likewise, she has pointed out that "everyone said that it was impossible to raise the Minimum Interprofessional Wage and it has been shown to be the most effective measure to benefit the working class and also women and young people".

In the same way, "they told us that it was impossible to establish a cap on gas and the gas cap proposed by Podemos has been the measure that has helped us the most to contain inflation in our country in an enormously difficult economic situation."

The same, he continued, "with feminist laws." "Does anyone think that if it weren't for the presence of Irene Montero leading the Ministry of Equality, it would have been possible to carry out a historic law such as the 'trans law' and LGTBI rights, the Jointly Responsible Plan or the law of 'only if it is yes'?", he asked himself. "It is impossible without our push for things to be transformed and that is why these elections are so important," she claimed.