Lebanon on the way to Armageddon


Kredittgjeld? This will save you thousands When I visited Lebanon the first time after the civil war's end in 1990, it was mostly a optimistic people I have

Kredittgjeld? This will save you thousands

When I visited Lebanon the first time after the civil war's end in 1990, it was mostly a optimistic people I have met. 15 years krigshelvete was over, now was the reconstruction for the trip. All agreed that their little country in the eastern Mediterranean never had to experience such a thing.

unfortunately, It is just to state it: Lebanon and its population is in the harder weather now than in the 1970s and 1980s. And worse it can be.

Tallenes tale is clear: The lebanese pound has lost 80 percent of its value since the demonstrations against the government started in October of last year. The official exchange rate of the lebanese pound is the 1500 compared to the dollar. The banking system does not work and thus flourish svartebørshandelen. Gateverdien on a "x " where" is 9000 pounds.

Turn On the LydErrorAllerede plus customer? Log into herError the Sides of lebanon, new prime minister Hassan Diab warned that the country is facing an economic disaster. Images from the AP. Show more

45 per cent of the population living under the fattigdomsgrensa, over 30 percent are without work. In the capital city of Beirut are several districts without electricity 20 hours a day. Utenlandsgjelda is over 800 billion, and Lebanon is the world's third most indebted countries.

Like all other countries are struggling Lebanon also with coronakrisa. And when brødprisen now has risen for the first time in eight years, is the collapse completely.

This is the reasons:

Maktdelingen, based on religious trosretninng, has created a system of corrupt leaders, some of them, as sjialeder Nabih Berri, has been a member since the civil war began in 1975. In times of crisis increases the power of these potentatene further because we do not have state agencies to deal with.

governmental system works, not because of lack of consensus, not least between the shi'ite Hezbollah-the party on the one hand and sunni muslims and the majority christians on the other.

the Country has received half a million syrian refugees since the civil war there began in 2011.

More than 2300 cases of Covid-19 has paralyzed the country's helsesystem. Now have wave number two arrived.

Lebanon has not longer any middle class, but a styrtrik upper class and an underclass that is constantly get poorer.

the Dollar is used so much in Lebanon that it is almost juxtaposed with the pound, and some services must be paid for in the u.s. currency. But the banks are now providing that people do not get to take out the dollar, and thus they must go on the streets to switch. Even should the banks ' bosses have smuggled more than 50 billion out of the country.

Many companies have had to close or reduce the powerful, and it is not just because of coronaepidemien. On the way increases poverty, for in Lebanon, it is not only to go to the NAV in order to get unemployment benefits or permitteringskompensasjon.

That is the result of what now takes place, has the crime rate increased sharply. It also has the number of sjølmord. A short while ago shot a man outside a cafe in Beirut.

Lebanese government have asked The international monetary fund, the IMF, about a kriselån of 93 billion. They won't. The negotiations with the IMF have been going on for months, but the requirements of the economic innstramminger is so beinharde that it is hardly possible to implement. Hezbollah says blank no.

the united STATES, Iran and Saudi Arabia fight for control over Lebanon. The americans and the saudis have stopped much of the flow of money because they are unhappy with what happens. Iran, which is hezbollah's mentor and supporter, because of its desire for hegemony in the middle East like to help, but the authorities in Tehran are also almost blakke.

Now has prime minister Hassan Diab and his government turned to China for help. As part of their plans for increased economic influence the world over, have the chinese more than whispered about that they can make large investments in the country. This is something that suits Hezbollah well, for the chinese are the clergy in Iran near. The chinese also think longer than that: They can use Lebanon as a springboard against Syria in order to secure large contracts when the country should be rebuilt.

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President Donald Trump sitting on the fence, but the chinese are active in, the united STATES will certainly react. It will lead to increased political tension at the top of the economic crisis.

To the so-called international community just sit and look at that country, for 45-50 years ago were "middle eastern Switzerland", collapse in total? It may seem so. But libaneserne themselves also have a responsibility. As long as the current maktfordelingen maintained, may Lebanon never get solved their problems.

the Sides sosialminister Richard Kouyoumdjian, who is armener, fear that 75 per cent of the population can end up in poverty. As long as his government is both divided and almost into a paralysis of indecision is the danger that his dire predictions will come true.

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