The DN of the Debate. To provide financial assistance to municipalities that want to go together


< Kommunutredningen ' s final report to the government. , We believe that the differentiation between the Swedish association of local authorities is increas

< Kommunutredningen

' s final report to the government. , We believe that the differentiation between the Swedish association of local authorities is increasing and it is becoming more and more difficult for many local authorities to cope with the välfärdsuppdraget the economy, and the supply of personnel is becoming increasingly difficult. Action is needed in the short term, but, above all, measures which, in the long term will strengthen local governments to cope with the challenges to the care of the elderly, a school and other municipal service that may be guaranteed to all the citizens of the country.

the ability to develop kommunsamverkan in a more strategic forms of and incentives for voluntary aggregations is essential in order for the municipalities to manage their välfärdsuppdrag. The inquiry emphasises, moreover, that the state must assume its responsibilities to local communities in respect of governance, regulation, finance, and the supply of skills, but also to ensure the state's participation in the united states. < / p>

the number of inhabitants in Swedish local government. range from less than 2,500 inhabitants, in Bjurholm, to nearly 1 million people in the city of Stockholm. : English mediankommunen it has about 16,000 inhabitants, which means that half of the country's 290 municipalities, the presence of a population of only 14 per cent of the country's total population. No matter the size, all municipalities are, in principle, the responsibility and the obligation to provide municipal services, and the welfare of its citizens.

Our scandinavian neighbours in the kommunreformsanalyser come to the conclusion that it would be necessary to have between 20,000 to 30,000 inhabitants of the municipality in order to be able to be carried out effectively and efficiently. Kommunutredningen elements of the assessment of Swedish municipal authorities, even if the sparsity, and the long distances may reduce the positive effect of the population size of the regions of the country.

In the long term, the national equivalence be put at risk without any structural changes of the Swedish association of local authorities.

the Urbanisation and demographic change means that the differences between municipalities are increasing more and more through the small municipalities, the increase in the number of, and will be in terms of population, while the large ones become larger and larger. According to the projections, this development will continue for the foreseeable future, which will lead to a lack of capacity in the smaller municipalities, by diminishing and aging of the population and, secondly, that the municipalities do not comply with the functional regionperspektiv in the more densely populated regions.

To this may be added the increasing challenges in respect to such as ability to make investments, social inclusion and climate change. In the long term, the national equivalence be put at risk without any structural changes of the Swedish association of local authorities. It will be difficult for you to supply care for the elderly, schools, and other local welfare in the country.

Kommunutredningen have in particular analyzed the four possible types of trajectories in the communes; to increase co-operation, offered by, the general shift of the responsibility of the community and of the data, as well as the asymmetric shift of responsibilities and duties. The commission has also examined other efficiency opportunities, in particular, how the increasing digitisation may improve the quality as well as efficiency and effectiveness in local government operations. The starting point is that every local government must have the capacity to cope with the day to day running and strategic development to carry out their mission over the long term.

this means that The municipalities have different responsibilities depending on the size of the vehicle, something which might seem reasonable if the differences between municipalities are increasing more and more. Someone else – the state, the region, or to a grannkommun – would be in charge of the task at hand.

One of the statsbidragsprincip, on a par with the finansieringsprincipen be approved by the parliament, which means that the state is, primarily, to the use of other means of targeted funding from the government, in order to guide the municipalities in the country.

that would mean The negative democratic impact on the communities that have a lower level of responsibility, but also an increase in problems with the supply of skills and the complexity of financial engineering. Kommunutredningen therefore is not a solution as possible. The commission proposed ”A general right to the public avtalssamverkan”, which was implemented July 1, 2018, and not an alternative to the asymmetric segregation of duties.

in the long term, to strengthen the municipalities ' capacity to manage their välfärdsuppdrag suggest Kommunutredningens, among other things:


the State needs to improve its management of local governments and to provide them with a reasonable financial situation. statsbidragsprincip, on a par with the finansieringsprincipen be approved by the parliament, which means that the state is, primarily, to the use of other means of targeted funding from the government, in order to guide the municipalities in the country. If they are used to the klustras in the areas of operations or to be transferred to the general subsidy for two years. Furthermore, a wide-ranging review of the kommunalekonomiska the be done with a view to ensuring that local authorities be given equal economic conditions.

2 < A kommundelegation up , which, together with the governors of the provinces to dialogue with the municipalities on the capacity strengthening measures, the strategic co-operation, and voluntary by. The delegation also manages a public trial.


A public trial, in which the municipalities may be exempted from certain laws and regulations are initiated. : its Purpose is to examine ways to strengthen the municipalities ' capacity to enable adaptation of activities to local conditions, or reducing state regulations.

4 , Strategic kommunsamverkan and volunteers kommunsammanläggningar should be encouraged by means of support and interaction. local authorities need to develop a strategic co-operation in a more permanent kommunkonstellationer, which provides increased levels of trust and cooperation. Financial incentives should be developed in order for the coalition to be able to be matched to a volunteer by which the municipalities wish to do so.


Local skills provision needs to be made easier. : the Government should take the initiative to the general measures at the national level, which contributes to the recruitment of the posts in the local government areas. Specifically, the possibility of reducing the study loans for people living and professionals working in the municipalities with a particularly high kompetensförsörjningsutmaningar to be investigated. < / span> 6 Local digitization efforts need to be improved. : the Government should take long-term responsibility for the establishment of a förvaltningsgemensam of the infrastructure for data and information exchange. Legal drafts responses for the adaptation of the existing law, which allows for the increase in digitization will need to be added, as well as increased support to local government Authority for e-government (DIGG).

and there was a shortage of simple solutions to this problem, but Kommunutredningen believe that the final report in the day submitted to the civilminister, Lena Micko, contains a proposal which, on several of the key points to improve the municipal performance. But just as important is that the commission has, through several of the suggestions put in motion the processes that will be needed for the foreseeable future, in order to strengthen local government capacity.

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