Dagens nyheter's Debate Them. It's not a sail in outer space without a global price on carbon dioxide


this weekend is the 447.435 square miles, according to Wikipedia. Three times Sweden's total land area is equivalent to approximately 1.342 billion square feet

this weekend is the 447.435 square miles, according to Wikipedia. Three times Sweden's total land area is equivalent to approximately 1.342 billion square feet, or surface area of a Called-Hassler parasols are located in the so-called " Lagrangepunkten. According to the Called-Hassler 10 million tonnes is to be transported to this point, which is 100 tonnes or more per rocket, with the equivalent of 100,000 rocket launches. If we launch a rocket on a per-day project, thus the 274 years, in round numbers. If we assume that it is 1 millimetre thick, and each square foot weighs about 6.5 ounces of each shot in a bar, which is about 15.384 km high. Also, the packing will be a logistical challenge.

send up to 100,000 rockets is also a very troublesome project, from a climate point of view, if the rockets are powered by fossil fuels. It is, of course, a little bit quirky, with a large force, put the carbon into the atmosphere, and put a significant effort in order to put up a sun umbrella, in order to cushion the impact. We have solved the fuel issues other than the (in one step), the use of fossil fuels, and we don't have to send rockets to the Lagrangepunkten.

It would seem more reasonable to solve the problem where it exists. The solution is a global price on carbon dioxide emissions. Now, if we absolutely have to make use of technological solutions, for example, we can set up solar panels in order to konstbevattna of the Sahara, and thus carbon sequestration. It takes less time than the building of a Called-Hassler umbrella in the Lagrangepukten, that is, in all likelihood, significantly less expensive and do not provide nearly the same negative effects on the environment.
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