The idea of a new tax on the owners panic the government


Do you pay a tax of occupation of the land to the owners: the idea shock proposed by France, the Strategy does not go to Matignon. in Order to reduce the publi

Do you pay a tax of occupation of the land to the owners: the idea shock proposed by France, the Strategy does not go to Matignon.

in Order to reduce the public debt without recourse to borrowing, France Strategy, the think-tank attached to the prime minister, is considering the creation of a new tax on real estate residential, which would hit the owners for the land on which are built their dwellings (1).

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Starting from the premise that a property is composed of two parts (well built in itself and the soil on which it is), it would be proposed that the State could reclaim the land of the building and becomes permanently owner, up to a fraction of its value. The result: the owner could be required to pay a "rent" to the State, in the form of a fee, for the occupation of land that is not her own anymore. And if he refused, the State would be a little more each year owner of the land, in proportion to the amounts due.

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The analysis made by the note is clear: the floor of the building is a "non-produced asset", that is to say, a property that has not been created, a sort of "gift of nature" to the owner. "The pension tax (the tax being considered, editor's note) is equivalent to a portion of the rent that an owner key, where it rents out its property, which is the compensation for the right of occupation of the ground (a non-produced asset), and the other part corresponding to the payment by the tenant of a service consumption of housing, linked to the occupation of the house or the rented apartment (active product)."

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The analysis goes further, stating that today "the boom in real estate prices, many european countries have experienced over the past two decades reflects, in reality, a rise in the price of the land. Today, the value of these properties represents almost half of the value of assets gross real estate of households in france".

The owner would benefit from a gain in any way automatic, without that it is participating in the create.

Uproar at the head of the State

The note of presentation might argue that this new tax would be painless because the property tax would be in reduced consideration, that it would impose more heavily on well-located properties to locations that are popular and therefore owners more affluent than modest, that she would only be triggered in the event of a serious economic crisis, it fluidifierait the market by lowering the value of the transactions, it would increase the level of State guarantees allowing it to borrow cheaper... in short, that it would have many virtues, the taxation envisaged has aroused the wrath... of the prime minister.

(1) Note d'analyse, n° 62 France Strategy, How to ensure the resorption of public debt in the euro zone?

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The memo says that it only commits its authors and not the government. We just have confirmation by the strong prime minister, angry that judge the report "far-fetched", intends to severely crop the body, remind him that he needs to work on reforms and placed under the supervision of the delegate to the Transformation of the public. A lot of noise for nothing?

(1) Note d'analyse, n° 62 France Strategy, How to ensure the resorption of public debt in the euro zone?

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