The RTL sees profits in the Netherlands is to evaporate, by the coronacrisis


While the programs of RTL, during the last six months were reviewed, it was still a lot less than the very least, made. The link back to your website because of

While the programs of RTL, during the last six months were reviewed, it was still a lot less than the very least, made. The link back to your website because of the coronacrisis is hard to decrease, which will allow the company to nearly 90 per cent of income and has submitted reports on RTL on Thursday.

In the first half of 2020, the gdp of the Netherlands, the market for television ads, with 26.2%. That led to the loss of revenues from RTL Netherlands, with just under 12 percent, decreased the gain by as much as 90 percent of the time. Earnings declined from € 18 million to € 2 million.

"The impact of the COVID of 19 in the advertising market is large," says managing director Sven Sauvé, from the RTL to the Netherlands to do that. "But I guess we'll have to rely on the solid fundamentals of our business strategy. Quick to act and take a critical look at our own expense to look at, we have, in spite of the significant decline in advertising revenues, however, a positive result will be achieved."

it is also Noteworthy that the number of users of, media Video the harder it grew to. Compared to June 2019 at the latest, there are now more than 40 per cent, more paying customers. The subscribers are looked at together, more than 30 per cent more movies and series than in the previous year. According to RTL, the popular series, Mocro Mafia, and the reality tv series, Temptation Island.

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