Patients are now without medicine


So can norwegians save 4,25 billion in interest costs We live in a society where access to health care for understandable reasons has been reduced. Especially

So can norwegians save 4,25 billion in interest costs

We live in a society where access to health care for understandable reasons has been reduced. Especially marked this for patients at Norwegian hospitals, which today must accept that covid-19-the pandemic consumes a large part of the health care resources available.

Misleading cannabis-optimism Debate

Norwegian patients has a need for cannabis as medicine, has since the fall of 2016 gained access to this through the EEA regulations. A majority of patients tend to obtain their prescription medicine at the doctor's in the Netherlands, while a few have exemption that gives them access to medicine through Norwegian pharmacies. According to the medicines agency can around 200 patients today get out the medical cannabis from the Norwegian pharmacies if they have godkjenningsfritak from the specialist.

Patients who do not have such approval, has until recently been able to travel certificate from your gp, and get his medicine out of prescription at pharmacies in the f.ex. The netherlands. This also applies to other groups of patients traveling abroad to obtain LETS-drugs and the benzodiazepines, and by law that it be carried one month's consumption back to Norway. The scheme is economically costly and physically demanding for the majority of patients.

Cannabis, a safer alternative Debate

According to the organisation NORMAL, there are around 700 norwegians who are traveling smoothly abroad to obtain medical cannabis on prescription. This its client has in practice been without services since the government introduced travel restrictions 14. march. This despite the fact that the ministry of Health and the Statens legemiddelverk fast recommended Health and care services (HOD) to change the law to accommodate its client.

In a note sent in march, it was recommended to establish a nationwide supply for patients who have been prescribed cannabis in abroad by Smerteklinikken at Ullevål.

It was also recommended that foreign prescriptions on narcotic drugs should be approved at Norwegian pharmacies to reduce the risk of harm to people's health in the transition period. The ministry of health has subsequently rejected the recommendation.

Believes cannabisolje helps against cancer

the ministry's reply confirms that there are political reasons to the reason for that it will not be introduced temporary measures. To TV2 tells Høies secretary of state, Inger Rock (H) that the proposed changes would "mean that we facilitate the use of products that the government believes that the population should not have access to, unless it is through the specialist".

To NRK says High even that a temporary arrangement that Significance suggests, "will not be in line with Norwegian policy on the area".

media coverage has so far focused on two patients, cancer patient Emthe Katrin Vollstad from Sykkylven and Jarle Jr. Norheim from Oslo. For Vollstad cannabis provided vital relief and quality of life after affliction from a serious cancer. For Norheim has cannabis given the opportunity to social life, and work in health care for ailments from a serious neurological disease.

The two patients represent the diversity that characterizes the group of Norwegian cannabispasienter, a group that is constantly reporting that they are damned, mistrodd and discouraged in their encounters with both health care and their families.

at the same time as medical cannabis is becoming more widespread globally, says an entire group of Norwegian patients without medical offerings in the rusreformens the year 2020, based on a political argument which avfeier the scientists ' professional recommendations.

It appears as an increased burden to belong to a patient group that is not believed, in a meeting with Norwegian helsepolitikere that even in time of crisis lack the vigor to regulate the medicine helps.

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