One in ten of the Dutch smes, which closed its doors because of the points


One in ten of the Dutch sme-companies and decided on by the corona-escape temporarily to close the doors. That's according to a poll (pdf), OECD, the world Ban

One in ten of the Dutch sme-companies and decided on by the corona-escape temporarily to close the doors. That's according to a poll (pdf), OECD, the world Bank, and Facebook. Dutch companies in ditches, less often, with the doors, than among men in many countries of the world; in the netherlands was one of the four sme businesses to close between in the beginning of January, and at the end of may. Also, it is striking that women entrepreneurs are more closed than those of men.

Facebook and the OECD was asked at the end of may to more than 30.000 smes in more than fifty countries, including the uk, the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic was. It is shown that 26 per cent of the participating companies between January and may will be temporarily closed.

finally, it is worth noting the major differences in each country. So I went to the Netherlands, according to the survey, less than 10 per cent of the firms in the slot, as in, for example, in the United Kingdom, as many as 43 per cent of the project's closed.

the companies, which at the time openbleven, on average, nearly one-third of the workforce was scaled down, and saw that two-thirds of the revenue decline compared to the same period in 2019.

the survey also looked at the differences between the smes that are women-led and sme's, where the men at the helm. It is notable that, in all the continents of the female smes ' owners and more often as the doors are dichtdeden than their male counterparts.

This is according to the researchers, among others, caused by the fact that women entrepreneurs are more common in sectors that will be affected by the corona of an outbreak, such as in the tourism sector and international events management company.

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