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The ELN releases a member of the Colombian Navy

MADRID, 28 Dic.

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The ELN releases a member of the Colombian Navy


The Colombian Ombudsman's Office has reported that the National Liberation Army (ELN) has released a member of the country's Navy in the department of Arauca on Tuesday.

This was detailed by the Colombian ombudsman, Carlos Camargo, in a statement, adding that the soldier had been in the guerrilla power since December 13.

"A humanitarian mission made up of the Ombudsman's Office and the Diocese of Arauca of the Catholic Church allowed the return to freedom of the third naval non-commissioned officer, Camilo Andrés Córdoba Arenas, who was in the hands of the ELN," the Ombudsman's statement said. from town.

"A team from our Arauca Regional came to one of the most remote areas of the Araucanian foothills to receive NCO Camilo Córdoba Arenas of the National Navy, who had been in the hands of the ELN for 14 days. Humanitarian work was carried out for his prompt return home," said Carlos Camargo.

The non-commissioned officer had been detained by the ELN's Eastern War Front when he was traveling on a public service bus in the department of Arauca.

"From the Ombudsman's Office we will continue to have all our humanitarian channels and our institutional capacity to facilitate, from the territories, the safe return of people who are in the hands of illegal armed groups," added the ombudsman.

Camargo has once again reiterated the call to the illegal armed groups to continue on the path of showing gestures of peace and actions that demonstrate their willingness not to continue with armed confrontations and to materialize a unilateral ceasefire so that it does not continue to be put at risk. risk to communities in remote areas of the country.

"Our country requires signs of peace, such as the release of all the people who are in the power of the illegal armed groups, so that the progress of the dialogues that the National Government has been advancing can materialize," he snapped.
