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The mayor of Pamplona blames Bildu for heating up the atmosphere and warns that they will locate the culprits with the images

He assures that the aggression during the San Fermín procession was "orchestrated" from the beginning of the tour and that they went "for all".

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The mayor of Pamplona blames Bildu for heating up the atmosphere and warns that they will locate the culprits with the images

He assures that the aggression during the San Fermín procession was "orchestrated" from the beginning of the tour and that they went "for all"


The mayor of Pamplona, ​​Enrique Maya, has affirmed, after the attacks committed on Thursday in Curia street at the passage of the municipal corporation during the San Fermín procession, that they are going to look for the authors so that they can be brought to justice.

"We are going to locate the images, we are going to look for who have been the ones who did this and I hope that sooner rather than later they will be brought to justice. Already in the Sanfermines of 2019 a person was sentenced to 9 months for something similar, we are going to act with serenity, but let the one who has done it pay for it", he underlined, in statements to the media.

Regarding the three wounded agents, the most serious has a broken nose. "They put it on her site but they haven't operated on her yet," Maya explained. The other two wounded, one in the ankle and one in the face, have already recovered.

Maya has affirmed that "what happened in Curia street is absolutely intolerable, it is authentic fascism, when some public representatives are tried to --do-- we don't know what, because some policemen were injured protecting us, therefore, it is probable that went for it all, that's very hard, it can't be tolerated".

The mayor stated that "yesterday everything was orchestrated, I saw it from the beginning, there were many more cries against it from the beginning, and the Calle Mayor, when leaving mass, was totally taken over by them, they were in groups and they insulted us seriously throughout the tour. We already discussed it at the police level, we already knew that the atmosphere was very heated in Curia, but we are not going to give up going through there, because it is part of our procession, it is a procession that begins in the Cathedral and ends at the Cathedral and you can't cut that procession".

Thus, he pointed out that "some madmen are not going to be able to take over the city because immensely the citizens, a huge majority, are delighted with their procession". "They are getting more and more out of control and they were heating up the atmosphere a lot during the months before San Fermín, throwing everyone at us, they go around and when I say they I mean Bildu, there is no doubt".

Regarding Bildu's rejection of the attacks and the attempt at some moments by the nationalist spokesman Joseba Asiron to calm the situation, Maya stated that "obviously, if in an area where people close to us wanted to do something against Bildu, I myself would try to calm people, he evidently wanted to calm his people down, and his people are the ones who were on Curia Street, they themselves saw that it could get out of hand, so of course, if someone heats up then it's very difficult to cool down, that's like this, and for some reason they are in that dynamic of increasing pressure and tension in the city".