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The APM transfers to Reynders the "critical" situation of the CGPJ and says that Lesmes must resign

He considers it urgent to renew the Council and then change the law "now".

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The APM transfers to Reynders the "critical" situation of the CGPJ and says that Lesmes must resign

He considers it urgent to renew the Council and then change the law "now"


The president of the Professional Association of the Judiciary (APM), María Jesús del Barco, has stated that Didier Reynders knows "perfectly" the "critical situation" that the General Council of the Judiciary (CGPJ) is going through and has called for the resignation of his President, Carlos Lesmes, upon leaving the meeting he held with the European Commissioner for Justice, who was visiting Madrid.

"The law must be renewed and changed now" so that the judges have a voice in the election of the members of the Council, Del Barco has asked in statements to the media, before demanding that the political parties comply with what he has asked for several times Brussels.

To this, he recalled that Brussels "demands to strengthen the rule of law and that is only possible if the organic law is changed and the power to elect judicial members is returned to judges." "But first, the urgent thing is to renew," he stressed.

For Del Barco, that Reynders is concerned about this "serious problem" reassures her "as a citizen and as a judge", while wishing that the recommendations made by the European Commission "be fulfilled and next year not" continue "this situation".

And asked if the so-called conservative members of the judges' body should do something to stop the possible resignation of the President of the Council, Carlos Lesmes, the president of the APM, the majority association in the judicial career, has maintained that Lesmes cannot go back if that is your intention.

"I believe that the president has announced his resignation and what corresponds is that he resign", assured Del Barco, before saying that he believes that "the opposite would affect and damage the already quite deteriorated image, unfortunately, of the current Council", which It accumulates almost four years without undertaking its renewal due to the lack of agreement of the political parties to appoint the new members.

In his opinion, "when you announce that you are leaving a position of responsibility such as being president of the Supreme Court and the General Council of the Judiciary, you cannot go back."
