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Sánchez charges Feijóo for copying Rajoy's recipes and defends taxes to pay for the welfare state


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Sánchez charges Feijóo for copying Rajoy's recipes and defends taxes to pay for the welfare state


The President of the Government, Pedro Sánchez, today accused the president of the PP, Alberto Núñez Feijoo, of having the same recipes as former president Mariano Rajoy, of wanting the "worst return to the past" to a society with greater "precariousness and inequality" . On the contrary, the head of the Executive has called for a "first division" tax system to maintain the welfare state, thus defending taxes on energy companies and banks and the wealth tax on those who have the most.

Sánchez has made these accusations to the Popular Party during his speech in the plenary session of Congress to explain the last European Council and the measures against inflation adopted by the Government. In addition, he has come to charge against the Community of Madrid and its health waiting lists.

"Feijóo's recipes are the same as Rajoy's, a return to the worst of our pasts, precariousness and inequality", he stated to charge against the policies of the PP Government during the economic crisis and accused them of now wanting to "fill the pockets" of 2 per thousand of the population, that is, of the wealthiest.

He has accused the PP of requesting an audit of the accounts in order, in case of reaching the Government, to approve tax increases, tax amnesties and cut the welfare state. Measures that with Rajoy, he has said, depressed the economy, increased unemployment, increased deficit and debt and widened inequality among Spaniards.

In this sense, he has indicated that what those who request this audit of accounts are doing is "making excuses" as, in his opinion, Rajoy already did in 2011 "to cover up the false fiscal promises", raising all taxes on the middle classes and cutting the welfare state, if they govern.

In his opinion, the PP applied a "neoliberal agenda of every man for himself" that caused the pandemic to initially be faced with just over 4,000 ICU beds while Germany had 28,000. As he has said, these are lessons from the pandemic that he can never forget.

Sánchez has blamed the PP for Spain facing the pandemic with "30,000 fewer health professionals" than a decade ago and also that one of the worst hangovers left by the pandemic is a "silent wave" of mental illness. In his opinion, all these needs have to be covered and for this "public resources" and therefore "taxes" are needed, as he has highlighted.

But he has specified that in order to improve this situation "taxes, public revenues are needed" and has accused the right of wanting a weak government, criticizing that the PP has proposed that the money be better in the pockets of the citizens, has accused the Government to make a fortune and call it "hell".

For Sánchez, "hell" is having to pay 1.5 million dollars for a heart transplant, - as it happens in the United States, as he has mentioned - and not 90,000 euros as it costs in the Spanish public health system. "Hell would be having to mortgage for having a serious illness," she snapped.


In this regard, he has assured that "there are only two options", or to strengthen or weaken the welfare state. At this point, he has also charged against the autonomous government of the Community of Madrid (PP) and has questioned whether it should be accepted normally that an appointment be made "for a colonoscopy, within a year", as he has launched.

Thus, he has questioned whether to decide if "reasonable times" are wanted for a medical test that could mean the difference "between life and death." "The dilemma is clear", she has moved her. In addition, she has ensured that societies with a strong welfare state are those that prosper at a faster rate and has given the example of France, Germany, Sweden or Denmark.

"It is the same thing that I want for my country, a European Spain and a first division welfare state, it requires a first division tax system and not a third regional one," he added.


Along the same lines, Sánchez has accused of "hypocrisy" those who during the pandemic asked for "more State" and now that this period is over they demand "less State", also in reference to the PP.

Thus, he has indicated that it will be seen how they defend "in their media platforms" the virtues of a "weak" state and that citizens have their money in their pockets. "The reality is that we receive much more than what we pay for our taxes", she has moved while thanking all public servants.

Sánchez then assured that those who try to confront the public and private sectors "in their media and political forums" are "wrong" and that in addition to thanking public workers, he also recognizes the value of the private sector for the prosperity of the country.