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Podemos criticizes that Marlaska "has been untrue on some occasions" regarding the Melilla tragedy

He insists on lowering the majority system to renew the CGPJ and calls the veto against Rosell "pure cynicism" and "hypocrisy".

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Podemos criticizes that Marlaska "has been untrue on some occasions" regarding the Melilla tragedy

He insists on lowering the majority system to renew the CGPJ and calls the veto against Rosell "pure cynicism" and "hypocrisy"


The Podemos co-spokesperson, Isa Serra, has criticized that the Minister of the Interior, Fernando Grande-Marlaska, has "misrepresented the truth on some occasions" regarding the tragedy in Melilla on June 24, given that the images disseminated about the death of migrants contradict his version.

In this way, he has opined in an interview with Europa Press that it is convenient to see how the investigation of the Prosecutor's Office develops, which has requested more images from the Interior, and based on these investigations, he thinks that Marlaska will make "appropriate" decisions.

"On the part of the minister, the truth has been misrepresented on some occasions. The images contradict his version but I believe that as the investigation progresses by the Prosecutor's Office, it will make the appropriate decisions regarding what has happened," he said in relation to whether he appreciates that Marlaska can change aspects of border policy.

Serra has also pointed out that Unidas Podemos considers that this "very serious" event deserves to be investigated in Congress, given that the videos released show that there were deaths in Spanish territory, added to the pronouncements of irregular action such as the one issued by the Ombudsman. .

On the other hand, from the confederal group they emphasize that they will avoid the disapproval of Marlaska requested by the PP in Congress. "United We Can not fail ministers", they settle in the formation.

The leader of the purple formation has emphasized that, apart from the question of whether there were deaths on the Spanish part of the border, it is important to say that "all lives are worth the same" and that the victims, like their relatives, must have " justice, reparation and the right of non-repetition".

An extreme that, in his opinion, involves changing immigration policies in Europe, based on the "externalization" of borders and on not reaching agreements on this matter with countries like Morocco, which "violate human rights."

On the other hand, it has defended that it is necessary to modify the legislation and allow the option of appointing members of the General Council of the Judiciary (CGPJ) by an absolute majority, instead of three-fifths of Congress, as a way to overcome the blockade that it exercises the PP to this institution.

"The right is entrenched in the CGPJ because its objective, in the first place, is to allow the 'lawfare' (judicial war) that has been committed with Podemos to continue being committed, and then leave the corrupt and friends of the PP unpunished" , Serra has settled to denounce that, with attitudes like this, the Spanish right is demonstrating that "it is not democratic nor does it respect democracy."

For the leader of the purple formation, the PP launches "much praise" to the Constitution but "flagrantly fails to comply" when it comes to renewing the governing body of judges, which makes it necessary to carry out a reform of the system of election of its vowels to overcome "the blocking minority" of the PP.

Regarding the election of former minister Juan Carlos Campo to form part of the Constitutional Court, Serra has said that he reaffirms the "hypocrisy" and "pure cynicism" that exists in different political groups that "questioned and criticized" the Podemos proposal so that the Government delegate against gender violence, Victoria Rosell, was a candidate for the CGPJ.

Therefore, he has asserted that the veto that was proposed to Rosell has to do with a campaign so that Podemos "does not have the right" to have members in the Judiciary, as is the case with other groups, and to bring "brave judges" with "exquisite race", who defend human rights and, furthermore, have been "victims of lawfare" but who have defeated it.

He has also explained that the CGPJ is a governing body of judges, whose design requires "democratic legitimacy that today it does not have" due to the attitude of the popular. Consequently, Rosell's profile does not entail any problem because the Judiciary is a political entity and the election of members by Parliament guarantees its legitimacy, as established by the Constitution. In fact, he has remarked that the PP proposes candidates clearly aligned with this formation.