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Gamarra says that the facts indicate that it could have happened in Spanish territory and that Marlaska has no choice but to leave

He does not rule out requesting the appearance of Sánchez in plenary session if Marlaska no longer appears or supporting an investigation commission.

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Gamarra says that the facts indicate that it could have happened in Spanish territory and that Marlaska has no choice but to leave

He does not rule out requesting the appearance of Sánchez in plenary session if Marlaska no longer appears or supporting an investigation commission


The general secretary of the PP, Cuca Gamarra, has assured this Thursday that the "only way out" for the Minister of the Interior, Fernando Grande-Marlaska, is to resign or be dismissed because he is "obstructing the investigation" into what happened in the Melilla tragedy to the "hide" the information from Congress, the Prosecutor's Office and the Ombudsman. Moreover, she has highlighted that the images that have been disseminated "come to say that it could have happened in Spanish territory."

"Marlaska cannot be Minister of the Interior for another minute when he has lied to the Spaniards, is hiding information and does not allow what happened at the Melilla fence to be known," Gamarra told reporters in the corridors of Congress.

The leader of the PP has recalled that the PP already asked a week ago to send the videos of the tragedy to Congress after the BBC documentary and added that the Prosecutor's Office and the Ombudsman have also requested it. However, she has criticized his refusal to provide this information when it is available to the Ministry.

"It is something that cannot be admitted and what we ask Mr. Sánchez is if he is not going to stop it and if he is going to allow a minister who lied to this House to continue without giving explanations and is hiding from the Spaniards what it is that happened," he asserted.

For this reason, he has again asked the chief executive for the minister's dismissal "because he lied and because he is refusing to provide the information that is demanded of him" and has reiterated that his party "no type of parliamentary initiative".

When asked if the PP could present its own investigation commission or support the one announced by other groups, Gamarra has reiterated that its formation does not rule out any type of initiative nor does it rule out supporting initiatives by other political forces.

"What we are clear about today is that the Minister of the Interior has no way out and if he has been stubborn in lying and hiding the information, the only way out he has is the resignation or dismissal of the Prime Minister," he added, to add that if Marlaska does not give the "timely" explanations, the one who should offer them is Pedro Sánchez himself, who "knows something about this" because he said that it was a "well resolved" situation.

Gamarra has assured that "under no circumstances" was a well resolved situation and has warned that if Marlaska does not appear to give explanations in Congress, the Popular Group does not rule out requesting the appearance of the Prime Minister.

The 'number two' of Alberto Núñez Feijóo has affirmed that the PP has been demanding the images in Congress for a week and that it has not contributed "anything", a behavior that shows that it is "obstructing an investigation". In his opinion, what he should do is make all the information available to whoever claims it.

When asked what is the most serious lie that, in her opinion, Marlaska has uttered, Gamarra has recalled her words assuring that "nothing happened in Spanish territory" but "the images and the situation where the events occurred come to say that there could have been occurred in Spanish territory".