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Gamarra charges Sánchez for his "assignment" to the PNV in the sports teams in exchange for support in the Budgets

In 'Génova' they censor the "toll" that Sánchez pays to the nationalists and say that if Feijóo arrives in Moncloa he will avoid "excesses like this".

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Gamarra charges Sánchez for his "assignment" to the PNV in the sports teams in exchange for support in the Budgets

In 'Génova' they censor the "toll" that Sánchez pays to the nationalists and say that if Feijóo arrives in Moncloa he will avoid "excesses like this"


The general secretary of the PP, Cuca Gamarra, has harshly attacked the head of the Executive, Pedro Sánchez, for his "assignment" to the PNV on an issue "as delicate" as the sports teams "in exchange for support" in the General Budgets of the State (PGE) for 2023. In his opinion, with this step "the principle of equality between Spaniards and territorial cohesion is "attacked".

"What cannot be is that it is being yielded in exchange for support for the Budgets in matters as delicate as this one," Gamarra declared in Congress, after this Tuesday the Congress opened the door for regional teams to compete internationally in sports with "historical roots",.

In this way, the PNV have officially launched from the PSOE and Podemos Executive --through an amendment to the Sports Law-- a historic vindication of Basque sport, so that the Basque pelota and surfing teams will be able to compete official in international competitions.

Speaking to the media in the corridor of Congress, where the Budget debate is being held, Gamarra pointed out that "there is a team, which is the Spanish team, and that is where the teams must compete in international championships."

Gamarra, who has framed this "cession" to the PNV in the framework of the negotiation of the PGE, has highlighted that "the ball is not only in the Basque Country, it is also, for example, in La Rioja". "And therefore, the team that represents that sport is not the Basque team," he stressed.

In fact, he stressed that at this moment a baseball championship is being held in Biarritz (France) and the national team is competing, and "there are not only Basques" but there are also people from La Rioja, Valencians or with players from different autonomies who also They play that sport.

"Yesterday the transfer of something was ratified that has a lot to do with continuing to build a Spain in which the principle of equality is broken among Spaniards. We are talking about a transfer and this was behind the amendment that has been approved," he emphasized. Alberto Núñez Feijóo's 'number two'.

Sources from the PP leadership consulted by Europa Press have criticized the "toll" and the "unacceptable price" that Pedro Sánchez has paid to the nationalists when the Sports Law could go ahead in Congress without the support of the PNV.

According to the 'popular', Sánchez's parliamentary agreements with his partners are "too expensive" for the Spanish. "It would be good if Sánchez's weakness stops causing painful decisions like this one, with which a regional team can face the national team", they have highlighted.

From 'Génova' they have also underlined that the ball is not only played in the Basque Country and they have added that this step by Sánchez opens the door for this competition of the regional teams to be opened up to more sports later on.

For this reason, PP sources have advanced that if Feijóo arrives in Moncloa he will avoid "excesses like these", although they have not specified whether the leader of the opposition is willing to reverse this decision. As they underline, the Sports Law has not even been definitively approved.

"The vocation of the PP is to beat them and that this type of thing does not happen again," said the same sources, who have criticized other steps taken by Sánchez, such as the dialogue table with Catalonia to satisfy the ERC.