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CSD and Agrupación Deportiva Ibérica LGTBI sign declaration against LGTBIphobia in sport

   MADRID, 8 Jul.

- 17 reads.

CSD and Agrupación Deportiva Ibérica LGTBI sign declaration against LGTBIphobia in sport


The Consejo Superior de Deportes (CSD) and the Agrupación Deportiva Ibérica LGTBI (ADI) have jointly signed an institutional declaration against LGTBIphobia in sport as part of the commemorations of the 2022 LGTBIQ Pride, the CSD said in a statement.

Said declaration includes the commitment of the CSD and ADI to recognize affective-sexual and gender diversity as an enriching and positive social element, accompanied by the principles of equal treatment and non-discrimination.

Also to promote the visibility of LGTBI people in the field of sport and engage all social agents linked to sport with the aim of combating stereotypes, discrimination and barriers that dissuade LGTBI people from practicing sports.

Likewise, they will denounce and socially penalize LGTBIphobic, sexist, xenophobic and serophobic behavior in sports, particularly in relation to verbal or physical violence in sports spaces, playing fields, stands and social networks for any reason and, especially, those violence that has its origin in sexual orientation and gender identity or expression of people.

They will guarantee the safety and freedom of trans people by creating safe environments in access to sports practice, and will promote the use of inclusive and respectful language that eliminates stereotypes and combats the use of discriminatory or hateful expressions that are caused by sexual orientation. or gender identity.

Lastly, they will promote studies, analyzes and reports that help to identify, understand and prevent situations of LGBTI-phobic discrimination and harassment in sport.

These commitments are part of the European Union Strategy 2020-25 for the Equality of LGTBIQ people, called the Union of Equality and approved in December 2020, and all these actions aim to eliminate LGTBIphobia and favor access for all people "from their diversity and in equality to an ethical sports practice" so that it empowers, teaches and makes people better.