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Five figures to understand the explosion in the number of auto-entrepreneurs

Ten years after its creation, the success of micro-enterprise that does not disappoint. The consequences are contrasting. which Entered into force on 1 January

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Five figures to understand the explosion in the number of auto-entrepreneurs

Ten years after its creation, the success of micro-enterprise that does not disappoint. The consequences are contrasting.

which Entered into force on 1 January 2009, the regime of the micro-entrepreneur (ex-auto-entrepreneur) this year celebrates its ten years. It allows for one to complete their purposes of months in developing a secondary activity, but now it is for the others, the door to the creation of their own employment. New statistics published by the Acoss (central Agency of social security bodies), on 16 July, to put in perspective the developments of this regime in the last ten years.

• + 15% of micro-entrepreneurs since 2017

at the End of 2018, the Acoss identified 1.36 million micro-entrepreneurs, 42% of non-employees, compared to 26% in 2011.

Between 300 000 and 400 000 people start their own micro-enterprise each year. And the pace is accelerating : between 2017 and 2018, the number of micro-entrepreneurs enrolled has increased by 15%, against 8.3 per cent a year on average since 2011.

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The status of appeals to the employees but also the self-employed "classic", who eventually opt for this regime : they were 9.2% in this case in 2018, up from 7% in previous years.

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20% were less than 30 years

The micro-enterprise for all age groups : young people who are entering the world of work to senior citizens who remain active or supplement their retirement. 19.4% of micro-entrepreneurs have less than 30 years, 12.2% over 60 years.

Then they represent about half of the active population in France, 39.3% of micro-entrepreneurs are women. They are the majority in the salon, body care or health, wholesale providers of micro-enterprises.

• An average revenue 11-300 €

In 2018, the revenue generated by all micro-entrepreneurs amounted to € 12.4 billion, or 11 300 € per person. An average increase of 10.2% between 2017 and 2018, thanks, in particular, the doubling of the ceiling of sales, now set at 170 000 euros for the activities of purchase and resale and to 70 000 euros for the activities of supplies or services.

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In 2018, the average annual turnover of micro-enterprises varies between 5856 euros for the transport sector to more than 20 000 euros for legal activities. The computing, financial and insurance activities, real estate as well as legal activities have experienced the greatest gains.

• A third of employees

In 2018, 38.9 per cent of the micro-entrepreneurs were also employees, the majority of CDI ; to 33.4% if one retains only those whose micro-enterprise has generated sales. These micro-entrepreneurs - are not taken into account here the servants or pensioners - most often work in the sectors of sports activities, transportation, arts and entertainment, computers or the council for the affairs. For these assets, micro-enterprise is in the great majority of cases the opportunity to develop a different activity of their main job. The turnover is on average much lower than the micro-entrepreneurs of which this is the main activity.

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today, micro-enterprise is for many the main source of income activity. However, most "important" of them does not have a high turnover and is in a "in a grey area between activity and unemployment," warns the director of the Acoss Yann-Gaël Amghar. This reality is, however, difficult to quantify, due to lack of complete data.

• + 80% of micro-entrepreneurs in the transport

By 2018, 78 200 micro-entrepreneurs were active in the field of transport, which is in the top 5 of activities concerned with the construction, arts and entertainment, the council and the industry. Driven in particular by the development of delivery platforms in the home, the creations of micro-enterprises in the transport sector continue to pack : by 2018, the number of micro enterprises has increased from... 80,6% ! With designers exceptionally young : 61% of those who were in sales were less than 30 years.

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Micro-enterprise: a ceiling lined... and social security contributions record! Micro-enterprise: the ceiling of the turnover doubled in 2018, but... Micro-enterprise: the turnover thresholds are changing in 2017

flip side of this two-digit increase, the micro-enterprises saw their share of the cake is reduce. Between 2011 and 2017, the average revenue in the sector declined 7.7%, to 5856 euros, while it is already one of the lowest of all companies.