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Sectors of the PP ask Feijóo to modulate the response to the amnesty and warn of the risk of an act before the investiture

Some officials believe that announcing this PP act after Aznar's words conveys the feeling that the leadership "is in tow".

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Sectors of the PP ask Feijóo to modulate the response to the amnesty and warn of the risk of an act before the investiture

Some officials believe that announcing this PP act after Aznar's words conveys the feeling that the leadership "is in tow"


Sectors of the PP have advised its leader, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, to modulate the response to the amnesty, since, in their opinion, the leadership of the party seems to have put the accelerator on by announcing a large protest act on September 24 when it has not yet There is no text nor any explicit agreement between the Government of Pedro Sánchez and the independentists. Furthermore, they have warned of the risk of setting this call two days before Feijóo's investiture debate in the Plenary Session of Congress, in which he must exhibit his State and institutional profile.

This has been privately conveyed to Europa Press by several officials from the party after the general secretary of the PP, Cuca Gamarra, announced a "great event" in Madrid on September 24 so that citizens can show their "rejection" to a possible amnesty law for the 'procés'.

Only two days later, on September 26 and 27, Feijóo will go up to the speakers' platform to present his Government program on the occasion of the investiture debate, which he attends with the already closed support of Vox, Canary Coalition and UPN, so only four seats from the absolute majority.

In the ranks of the PP, some of the sources consulted question the convenience of organizing this great event practically on the eve of the investiture of Feijóo, who three weeks ago offered Pedro Sánchez a two-year legislative pact based on six State agreements.

PP sources have also highlighted the fact that this "great act" was announced one day after Aznar's call to mobilize against the amnesty - he asked for a new "Enough!" against Sánchez's pact with Puigdemont that puts Spain as a nation at risk--, a fact that, in his opinion, conveys the feeling that the PP leadership is going "by slipstream."

"It seems that in Genoa they have become nervous with Aznar," a parliamentarian has indicated privately. "It gives the impression that he is always in tow and like a headless chicken," said a PP territorial official.

In this sense, some sources have warned that all this occurs after two weeks with some internal noise due to the controversy over whether or not the PP would sit with Junts in Congress and Feijóo's words using independence terminology when he spoke of seek a "fit" to the territorial problem of Catalonia, a term that, according to what he himself said, he used "on purpose."

The sources consulted have also warned that former President Aznar has sometimes functioned as "glue for the left" in the past and have expressed their refusal to now recall "another photo of Colón", in reference to the demonstration in the Plaza de Colón. of February 2019 that brought together the leaders of PP, Vox and Cs and in which the "beneficiary was Sánchez", as highlighted by the same sources.

Furthermore, these sectors of the PP have expressed their fear that the party has put the accelerator on and is burning cartridges too quickly, given that, as they allege, Pedro Sánchez has not yet expressly spoken about the amnesty nor has he said that he will accept it.

"We must modulate the response. By doing this type of action before September 27, we will exhaust our investiture and that of Pedro Sánchez," summarized a 'popular' leader, who has warned that the debate on the amnesty could be prolonged. weeks and has asked "what do you have left" for later if you already announce events and calls for mobilization in the street.

Other PP sources have justified this type of initiative that Feijóo's leadership is promoting, arguing that at this moment they have "the problem that Parliament is not working" and must be present to visualize the party's rejection of what is happening. happening.

In fact, the party has more events planned, such as the one that the Galician PP will hold this Sunday in Santiago de Compostela under the title 'For the equality of Spaniards', in which Feijóo and the president of the Xunta, Alfonso Rueda, will participate.

The sources consulted are in favor of supporting the demonstration at the highest level under the motto 'Not in my name.' Neither amnesty nor self-determination' that the Catalan Civil Society has called for on October 8 in Barcelona.

For now, Gamarra has announced his party's support for this call but 'Génova' has not yet specified who will attend. Who has confirmed her presence there is the president of the Community of Madrid, Isabel Díaz Ayuso.