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Marimar Blanco criticizes "an infamous legislature for dignity", with Bildu "triumphant" and the victims "forgotten"

Iturgaiz denounces that Sánchez "colleagues, agrees, agrees, approves and signs laws" with EH Bildu, "a party that he has whitewashed".

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Marimar Blanco criticizes "an infamous legislature for dignity", with Bildu "triumphant" and the victims "forgotten"

Iturgaiz denounces that Sánchez "colleagues, agrees, agrees, approves and signs laws" with EH Bildu, "a party that he has whitewashed"


Marimar Blanco, sister of the Ermua PP councilor murdered 26 years ago, Miguel Ángel Blanco, and president of the foundation that bears his name, has attacked this Thursday against "an infamous legislature" for "dignity and memory", with EH Bildu "triumphant" and the victims "forgotten and humiliated".

During the tribute ceremony held for his brother in Ermua (Vizcaya), on the occasion of the 26th anniversary of his assassination at the hands of ETA, which was attended by the president of the PP and candidate for the Presidency of the Government, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, the president of the Basque PP, Carlos Iturgaiz, and the president of NNGG and head of the Congress list for Bizkaia, Bea Fanjul, and which was preceded by a floral offering before the monolith dedicated to the victims of terrorism, Blanco reiterated his "infinite gratitude to the millions of Spaniards who keep the indelible memory" of Miguel Ángel Blanco.

In this sense, he has called not to "forget or manipulate history or whitewash terrorism" because it is "perverting the essence of constitutional democracy, humiliating and revictimizing the victims themselves and adulterating the framework of coexistence."

As he has said, 26 years later, the tribute in Ermua is celebrated to "defend the memory" of his brother "and of all the victims of terrorism", but also "in the face of interested oblivion", to denounce that "it is a democratic anomaly that parties that legitimize ETA in its aims and means, that do not condemn it, that have terrorists with blood crimes on their electoral lists, that have not made the slightest bit of self-criticism, have been decisive in the governability of this country and have even been allow them to rewrite the history of the democratic transition in the BOE".

"The line between democrats and ETA, what was called the spirit of Ermua, has blurred because moral regeneration has not been demanded of its political environment for its responsibility for terrorist complicity, because it has given in to its claims of writing history of terrorism, because all the ETA prisoners here have been transferred to the Basque Country without the slightest demand for repentance, including my brother's murderer", he lamented.

At this point, he recalled that, while they had to transfer his remains from Ermua to Ourense "due to the attacks suffered in the cemetery", his murderers "come home". In his opinion, "this is" the balance of a legislature that will be remembered as infamous for the dignity and memory "of Miguel Ángel Blanco.

"A legislature in which EH Bildu has emerged triumphant while the victims have ended up forgotten by some and tremendously humiliated," he criticized.

In his opinion, it was unthinkable that "those who have never condemned terrorism could condition State policy", because "there is an ethical limit that cannot be crossed". "Because they will be legal, but they are profoundly immoral, so it is unjustifiable," he said.

Marimar Blanco has criticized that "a Spanish government can consider" EH Bildu "preferred partners" without demanding "the slightest self-criticism, forgetting what the "sovereignty coalition" has meant and what ETA has meant over more than 50 years".

"This is what I call the trivialization of terror. Something that, of course, we reject and condemn. Because it is unbearable to see how a government is capable of sustaining its own governability in a party like Bildu," he lamented.

On this point, he has criticized the fact that the sovereignist coalition has "dared" to "give respect lessons to the victims, for greater humiliation", when "they are the first to exalt the terrorists when they leave prisons and arrive here at the Basque Country and Navarra, to those terrorists who provoked precisely each one of those victims of terrorism, including my brother's murderer, Txapote," he said.

For the president of the Miguel Ángel Blanco Foundation, it is also "to trivialize terror" to thank EH Bildu "who has done much more for Spain and for the Spanish people than, for example, this party, the Popular Party" or that Miguel Ángel White.

For this reason, Marimar Blanco has once again called for "memory, dignity and justice to be defended every day and not sold for five votes". In this sense, he has demanded of Alberto Núñez Feijóo, "the next president of this country", that "the dignity of the victims of terrorism be a priority", that he "legislate to avoid further humiliation and that he not agree with those who do not condemn the murder".

"Defending the memory and dignity of the victims is not giving in, it is not agreeing, not negotiating with those who do not condemn terror. Not allowing them to be whitewashed as Democratic parties or getting them to set the political agenda. And of course, not allowing that terrorists form part of the electoral lists or that they are honored as heroes", he indicated.

He has also urged to prevent young people "from perceiving the idea that perhaps terrorism was not such a big deal, that ETA had some justification or that it is not necessary to condemn terrorist crimes because since ETA no longer kills, it is better to forget".

For his part, Iturgaiz, after congratulating Alberto Núñez Feijóo on his "triumph" in the debate last Monday, where, as he said, he beat "the trickster Pedro Sánchez on the street", he has shown himself to be sure that Spain " It will be in good hands chaired by Alberto Núñez Feijóo, who neither lies nor manipulates, as does the candidate Sánchez".

Iturgaiz has assured that the Popular Party and Alberto Núñez Feijóo "are going to restore the national and international prestige that Spain should never have lost and that Sanchismo has been destroyed by the disastrous social communist government."

"In a Basque key, the debate is summarized in that Feijóo won and the PNV candidate, which is Pedro Sánchez, lost", because "Aitor Esteban and Andoni Ortuzar have already taken it upon themselves to say, actively and passively, that they want him to win Pedro Sánchez and sanchismo".

On the other hand, he has warned that, 26 years after ETA kidnapped and murdered Miguel Ángel Blanco, "we must continue to remember that everything that happened in the Basque Country can be summed up in that some Basque nationalists and terrorists wanted to annihilate other Basques who we were not, and there is no more truthful account than this".

The leader of the Basque PP has lamented that "there are still many in our society who refuse to recognize what is obvious" and, for this reason, has pointed out the need to "continue fighting from the Basque PP for a truthful story, a story that recognize that reality of the facts". In this sense, he has rejected "adulterated accounts" and has defended that "our society needs to know the truth of what happened without seeking immoral balances between victims and executioners."

In this sense, he has denounced that today EH Bildu is "the tricked-out Batasuna of years ago, an anti-democratic party that justifies the unjustifiable such as terrorism, that advocates terrorism, which added dozens of ETA criminals to its municipal lists".

"Unfortunately for all Spaniards, Pedro Sánchez and the socialists collude, negotiate, agree, agree, approve and sign laws with that Bildu," he censured, to affirm that "it is already the last straw to see how Sánchez and sanchismo whiten Bildu , gives him all the perks he asks of Otegi for the ETA executioners".

For her part, the president of NNGG and candidate for Congress from Bizkaia, Beatriz Álvarez Fanjul, pointed out that "the strongest plea that can be made by Miguel Ángel Blanco is to once again remember, to value, the only way to do politics, the good one, the real one: the one that seeks to solve the problems of others".