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Ayuso, invested as president of the Community of Madrid with an absolute majority of the PP

MADRID, 22 Jun.

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Ayuso, invested as president of the Community of Madrid with an absolute majority of the PP


Isabel Díaz Ayuso has been invested this Thursday as president of the Community of Madrid for the third consecutive time, but this time with an absolute majority given by the 70 seats of the Popular Party and the abstention of Vox.

The plenary session of the Madrid Assembly began yesterday with the intervention of the Madrid leader in a speech in which she defended that her majority was an "absolute responsibility", extended her hand to reach the maximum possible agreements and appealed that it is time " to restore to politics the dignity and height that these years of corrosive coalition have tried to take away from it".

Thus, in addition to harshly criticizing the Pedro Sánchez government and throwing a dart at Vox, Ayuso outlined the main measures that this legislature will promote, such as the construction of 50,000 homes, the reform of the Trans Law, the reduction of the transport pass or a new health appointment system.

In the second session it was the turn of the parliamentary groups, although their role was overshadowed when the Madrid leader in her last speech announced the names of the new regional government. Ayuso has designed an Executive of nine completely renovated councils, which he has promoted to intermediate positions and has dispensed with the Vice Presidency.

For its part, Vox has justified its non-opposition to the inauguration of the president in that they see reflected "part of the ideology" of her formation in the government plan. For the spokesperson, Rocío Monasterio, it has been "exciting" that Ayuso has announced that he will promote his formation proposals such as the Family Law but has also demanded the repeal of LGTBI laws. In addition, she has guaranteed that "the pillars of the bridges between very different parties such as Vox and the PP remain intact."

The PSOE spokesman, Juan Lobato, has warned the president that she will monitor her majority "to the millimeter" and has assured that she will not allow "practices" such as the 'Gürtel case' to return. And it is that he has pointed out that Madrid society still has the memory of what the majority of 2011 meant for former president Esperanza Aguirre: "the time of the bags of money in the attics left by Ikea employees, the time of the frog ponds , those of aid to companies without repaying".

Next, the spokeswoman for Más Madrid, Mónica García, has accused Ayuso of inaugurating today "a savage, cruel and inhumane government" and has reproached the "popular" bench for being "cynics who distribute bites" . Likewise, he has reminded him that he will face him again for the next four years and has warned him that it will be "a wall against his nonsense" and that, with "patience, rigor and a lot of love for Madrid", they are already preparing in More Madrid to govern in 2027".