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Abascal (Vox) criticizes that Sánchez is "victimizing" himself and calls for elections after his possible resignation

He describes the support for Sánchez in Ferraz as an "embarrassing spectacle".

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Abascal (Vox) criticizes that Sánchez is "victimizing" himself and calls for elections after his possible resignation

He describes the support for Sánchez in Ferraz as an "embarrassing spectacle"

The leader of Vox, Santiago Abascal, has criticized that the President of the Government, Pedro Sánchez, is "victimizing" himself after canceling his public agenda to reflect on his continuity in office and has asked that he call elections after his possible resignation.

He declared this to the media this Sunday before starting an event in the working-class neighborhood of Bonavista in Tarragona alongside the candidate for the Catalan elections on May 12, Ignacio Garriga, and the candidate for Tarragona, Sergio Macián.

"None of what he is going to do is going to respond to the general interest of the Spanish people and the problems of the citizens, but exclusively to his personal interest, his desire and his lack of scruples," he added.

He has said that Vox is not "willing to pass on their corruptions, their betrayals", and has called it outrageous that it is affecting the Catalan electoral campaign.

Asked if he believes that Sánchez's resignation would affect the amnesty law, he responded that he is "the great asset of the separatists, and the separatists want a weak Spain with a government that can be blackmailed."

According to Abascal, these days there is a "victimization operation with a call to socialist militants to go to Ferraz and ask for impunity for their leader."

During the event, he described it as "an embarrassing spectacle and a clamorous prick," which shows --verbatim-- the extremism of socialist diligence.

For him, Sánchez seeks to avoid his responsibilities: "When one is president of the Government, the people around us cannot do certain things. And, therefore, if a judge investigates, we will have to get annoyed, not start whining." .

Abascal wants the president to "sit on the bench for the very serious damage he has done to the Spanish people" with the amnesty, and has also stated that there is no work being done to improve salaries and access to housing.

Furthermore, he has promised to defend the freedom and unity of Spain and has assured that separatism in Catalonia does not defend the Catalans, but "its own interests."

"There is no talk about what needs to be talked about: what is the freedom of parents to educate their children in Spanish," he defended.

According to him, current policies have imposed a multiculturalism that does not benefit Spanish society: "We welcome everyone who wants to come to work with us, respecting our laws, our culture, our way of living and refusing to impose their own ".