The gap between the debattörernas generalizations, and the latest research


the Impact of immigration is not carved in stone, highlights the economists Assar Lindbeck and Mats Persson. What's the debaters, however, seems to think that

the Impact of immigration is not carved in stone, highlights the economists Assar Lindbeck and Mats Persson. What's the debaters, however, seems to think that is cast in stone, is that ”uniformity” is a matter of inclusion, while the absence of uniformity is to the exclusion and involvement in crime. Despite the fact that in terms of quality, the concept of homogeneity is at the heart of debattörernas reasoning, there is no definition of it.

The influx of immigrants from the EUROPEAN union, to represent the degree of homogeneity, while 13 per cent are coming from outside the EUROPEAN union may represent the absence of uniformity and integration. With this general reasoning, representing, thus, immigrants from Latin america, north America, or in Africa, the absence of uniformity and integration, while the influx of immigrants from Romania, bulgaria, Hungary, or Poland, representing the degree of homogeneity.

this , then, is that the new Swedish educational level in relation to the indigenous population's level of education”. In the table presented shows that just over 70 per cent of the swedes have a post-secondary education and training. This has led to a utbildningsgap to be verified by a comparison with other EU member states. But now, concerning the issue, the domestic utbildningsgapet – in which the debaters are not reported. In the last few years, the proportion of young people who finish their high school diploma within the next three years, according to the Swedish national agency for Education has hovered around 75%. The percentage of boys taking the exams is a long way from the migrants ' level of education.

”What the employer is looking to hire a person with a low level of education and poor language skills”, I wonder Lindbeck and Persson? The question can be asked differently. Companies and organizations want to hire people with little education, but with specific skills? Or with an interest in the internutbilda and vocational skills, which skills? Obviously, a lot of people. In the table regarding the unemployment rate, which the debaters are presenting shows that close to 85% of the foreign-born women are in employment, compared with around 93 per cent of the nation's women as a whole.

in This abandonment, however, to the authors definition, ”the EUROPEAN union=degree of homogeneity,” and points out, ”the second-generation of immigrants” as an important explanatory factor. The research on the crime rate, compiled by the Swedish national Board of health shows, on the contrary, is considerably more complex förklaringsmekanismer. What forskningserfarenheterna clear, however, underlined that early intervention for children and young people, it is crucial to break the risk patterns and the recruitment of young criminals.

Susanna Alakoski is asking a key question: does the modern focus on the repression has done to the social work mirakelstyrka” been forgotten? Alakoski, forces us to think about how many people who are not in favour of increasing investments in the justice system, but also in the social work activities without accommodation. Already at the child care centre? In the pre-school? In school, all of the stages? And how many people are acting, not only to more repression, but also increase prevention efforts for all children and young people at risk – regardless of the origin.

in Lindbeck and Persson (providing a general analysis of a specific set of problems in the society. However, the social problem must be broken down into specific, well-defined questions, and must be examined in its context, and, preferably, in co-operation with the directly affected people, to insist, for example, Abhijit Banerjee and Esther Duflo, 2019, the year the laureates for the Sveriges Riksbank prize in economic sciences in memory of Alfred Nobel". The gap between the debattörernas a general analysis of the most recent research-based knowledge on how to tackle environmental problems, in other words, to be significant.

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