The DN of the Debate. System error when the regions themselves are investigating related injuries


the Representatives of the regions, which are responsible for the nation's hospital services, controlling at the same time, the company will determine whether

the Representatives of the regions, which are responsible for the nation's hospital services, controlling at the same time, the company will determine whether the hospital's care had been properly, or if a patient is to receive compensation for iatrogenic harm. Regionföreträdarna is placed on the two chairs in deciding whether vårdskadade patients in the future.

the county councils ' mutual insurance company (Löf), the body that assesses the injuries caused by medical care, are not separate from the health care system. On the contrary, the governance of the representatives of the regions, which are, in essence, is the vårdinsatserna.

in order to have our son, Joel, would be to get the compensation they are entitled to the following as a consequence of measures taken, which made him partially paralyzed.

We were able to conclude that the sakkunnigutlåtandena, which supported his rejection of the contained material error.

Vårdskadan during an operation in 2017, and the work was at the cost of our son's life. For a very long time, was Joel's struggle against the severe pain and life-threatening infections.

those days are long gone now, but we have found a number of serious shortcomings in the protection of patients during the course of our struggle for the recognition that health care professionals had acted in the wrong. It took us a little over 2.5 years, with a three-rejection of compensation by the Lof before, and Joel was restored. In the process, he would never have been able to push myself. He's had enough to cope with everyday life. It is we, the parents, and our legal counsel, who put in countless hours to review the vårddokument, and put together the facts that point to the fallacy of the department's treatment of Joe. It's been like having a second job. Is this fair?

This is what happened in Joel's case.

in Spite of the obvious, the error handling, which we can read ourselves through the medical documents, it was decided Cited that Joel was paralyzed, was not a patient injury.

We were able to conclude that the sakkunnigutlåtandena, which supported his rejection of the contained material error.

One from the Cited independent and highly experienced specialists analyzed in the same documentation. He pointed to the serious deficiencies in the management of Joel's cases. In spite of the weaknesses of the Löfs their own evidence, and despite the additional expert's opinion, chose the Cited, to abide by his decision.

We have complained for a third time, but the Lof was solid. This time around, they referred to a statement by an expert, appointed by the Lof, but we were able to prove was disqualified.

We went to the Patientskadenämnden to the next panel. Both experts pointed to the same weaknesses that we ourselves have made. When the ruling Cited. Joel's injury was a compensable consequence of measures taken.

as A consequence of measures taken may affect the patient at any time. Therefore, the most prominent representative of the regions Anders Knape (M), president of the Swedish association of local authorities and regions INTERNATIONAL) to respond to the following:

1 , Lof, owned and financed by the regions. Of the board are, among other things, Rickard Simonsson, including the regional director in the Region of Örebro, sweden, and, therefore, is responsible health care provider for the care that Andy was in the hospital there. It is plausible that the health care provider that is negligent or otherwise at fault, and determines whether or not a fault has become committed, to have the same owner? What is the difference between regionsföreträdarna in their new roles, in – between, to give the treatment and evaluate patient injury claims, resulting in their own health care? The current structure is fair?

the 2 Cited is not independent of the regions, in the same way as, for example, Patientskadenämnden. the the chances are great that were Cited as taking irrelevant considerations into its owner's region's – best interests. What is the justification for the Anders Knape, the current set-up?


All three of the experts Lof hired was to argue for the rejection, while all three of the experts who are not hired by the Cited expressed serious criticism.

How is the choice of the experts?


One of the Löfs the referees were biased in relation to the treatment of the clinic. How to ensure that the expert is not biased?

5. The expert, who recommended rejection, arguing that it would be unreasonable to require that all of the nation's hospitals are going to have a jourorganisation” in order to be a sufficient remedy for such patient injury claims as Joel's. : to Be Cited as factor in the sjukvårdsekonomiska a reason related to the investigation of a patient injury?

6. How does Anders Knape, the shortcomings of the Löfs's handling of the Joel's case? < / span>

7 , Anders Knape happy with the current arrangement? It's not. We believe that there is a need for a review of the Löfs the organization, financing, and inner workings, in order to ensure the assessment of the vårdskadade patients.

”Early in the morning after the surgery, I woke up and was shocked,” Joel Lundhagen, 19 years of age. Photo: Alexander Mahmoud
”’you Shouldn't let the superdåligt?’ The question I have been asked many times, and after the loss. It is enough that I tell you a small part of what has happened to me, and I'll get to the question. How do you feel after a spinal cord injury and months of infections, injuries and surgery? You should not have to cry any more? The questions were many, and I didn't have any guide to help you out. Try to imagine the feeling of being in a situation without a map that points the way forward, or the story of how it has been done in the past. I was just a lonely, a freak in my own way.

. I smärtlindrades with the help of a ryggmärgsbedövning (epidural), and is used regularly in the health care system. Early on the morning after the surgery, I woke up and was in for a shock. I was completely paralyzed from the chest down to the floor.

A blood vessel had been punctured in the course of ryggmärgsbedövningen, and the bleeding had come off of the spinal cord. The bleeding had been during the night, but since no one checked my health, so it remained undiscovered until the time I woke up of my own accord. Even then, the acting of the doctors, but they were awaiting and expecting then to be a period of time would be available for the x-ray. The time, that meant the crippling pressure on my spinal cord. Hours, which gave me the damage, and paralysis, I have it in a day.

also , some life-threatening, and I have been living with the terrible pain. Early on, I had to drop the idea that my life was going to be perfect, and instead focus on the cope with each and every stab in the chest each and every turn in the bed, and any food that might be ingested.

When I was lying alone in a hospital bed with pins and needles in my arms, I realized how wonderful the school is in – filled with friends, life's challenges. To continue in the same class, it was that it gave me a lot of energy when everything else was chaos, and the school was the only place in which I was the same as before. Today, I'm studying international relations at the university of Stockholm, and has been for a long time, has finally been able to get back to a way of living. However, the whole of life is, of course, changed – as I am dependent on my wheelchair, and your body doesn't work like before.

During the whole time I have been in my family who have supported me, and my parents have put the hours in to get the proper justice. They also gave me the opportunity to focus solely on being as recovered as I could. I have been fortunate to have parents who are able to commit to and put all of the power and energy that is required.

does Anyone know how it would have stopped otherwise?”

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