The DN of the Debate. Stockholmsvården is a bad fit for the coronavirus


the spread of the new coronavirus in Europe. 300 people are infected in Italy and on the island of Tenerife is a hotel complex set in the quarantine. What would

the spread of the new coronavirus in Europe. 300 people are infected in Italy and on the island of Tenerife is a hotel complex set in the quarantine. What would Stockholm's hospitals are ready to deal with an outbreak of the coronavirus? The health care system is in crisis and patients are being squeezed, the emergency services and the health workers are protesting.

in the accident and emergency department at stockholm south general hospital, collapsed at the weekend. Patients are crammed into hallways, and dying while waiting for medical care. The staff at the New Karolinska clinical science and education, and Danderyd hospital, warns that patient safety is at risk.

Why is there a long waiting lists. The reason is the lack of staff. If the coronavirus is spreading in the Stockholm intensivvårdsplatserna pressure. In Europe, only Portugal, which has fewer intensivvårdsplatser of origin. The Stockholm Region has a few intensivvårdsplatser in relation to the size of the population.

Our hospitals need to be prepared to cope with a major outbreak of the new coronavirus. We are going to have the capacity. Anything else is an extreme point of failure.

in Stockholm the hospitals have state of the art facilities with well-equipped intensivvårdsplatser, but they stand empty because of lack of staff. The lack of resources for intensive care has more than doubled in the last 10 years. This causes the dangers of transport of critically ill patients from the emergency hospitals in order to find the care. Patients are discharged too early from intensive care, they are giving up on the ward and in the intensive care unit. This is how it works today.

this is What is going to happen to the elderly, and people with co-morbidity the patients who are the most vulnerable? In a region that is not able to provide the care of an ordinary Sunday in February, the system will not cope with an outbreak of the coronavirus.

the Stockholm Region, has a greater chance of building a stable treatment as compared to the other regions. The conservatives, who control the region, the Party has failed to build a strong health. Now, 500 million to the welfare system, thanks to the Left. It is assumed that the resources allocated for health care go directly to the staff members and to provide them with a better working environment.

The need for a health service that meets the needs, and, where the accessibility to reach those with the greatest need. We are going to be able to rely on the healthcare system. We should all feel confident that the hospitals are capable of coping with the virus outbreak. So, it is not the case today.

It will cost you money to give to a growing and aging population, healthcare. In the center-right government, created the right wing of an increasingly market-driven health care. In the region of Stockholm, sweden yesterday, privatisations, prior to the an equal treatment. The private healthcare company picks each and every year, more than € 2 billion in profits. Insurance companies sell private health insurance policies that allow anyone who pays the head of the line. At the same time, provide the right hospital svältbudgetar, they have been given notice, more than 1 000 employees within the health care system and the hospitals are forced to to to to save money.

according to whom the requirement is the following:

More resources: in the health - care system.

how to Create with more care. , more and More intensivvårdsplatser now. < / p>

opt for robust health care centers områdesansvar. < / p>

' Away with the private profit in the health - care system.

to educate the staff. in the Left region of Stockholm and would like to add the 1.3 billion extra to employ more nurses and train more specialists. < / p>

No sour cream in the treatment. Patients with private health insurance should not be allowed to go ahead.

We are going to have the capacity. Anything else is an extreme point of failure.
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