The DN of the Debate. Regeringsnej to the EU directive, Säpos to work harder


A new EUROPEAN directive gives member states the possibility to allow law enforcement authorities to gain access to information from the messaging applications,

A new EUROPEAN directive gives member states the possibility to allow law enforcement authorities to gain access to information from the messaging applications, and social media. However, a draft of which is being prepared in the Government offices of sweden, means that Sweden now has to refrain from it. As a result, Swedish law-enforcement authorities will have to miss the important and modern tools in order to deal with crimes of terrorism, espionage and serious crime. The government now needs to urgently look into the issue.

as the Traffic and location data has become an increasingly important tool in the fight against crime. This information is often the first (and only) entry in the cases related to terrorism, espionage and other heinous crimes. In many cases, the data is also crucial in order that they will reach the stage at which the other operations can be implemented.

at the same time, as technology has moved forward, the legislation has lagged behind. The ability to take out anyone who has been in contact with whom, when, and where, is today greatly restricted.

On serious crime to break the ever-changing land, extremistmiljöerna is greater than at any time in the past, and underrättelsehotet to Sweden continues to grow.

the reason for this is that many of the operators in Sweden have been reduced and, in some cases, completely blocked the retention of traffic and location data, as a result of a decision of the EUROPEAN court of justice in december of 2016. < / p>

On October 1, 2019, the new rules were introduced for data storage in Sweden.

. , the Settlement will result in further limitation of the storage of the data, and it has led to law enforcement's ability to prevent, suppress and investigate the offences are continued to be degraded in comparison with the previous one.

In this context, it should be said that data warehousing is not a case of saving the content of the communication. It's all about being able to see the individuals who are communicating with each other, as well as when and where it took place, in the event that there is suspicion of a serious crime.

another reason why law enforcement has been losing ground in relation to crime is that more and more communication is conducted via the encrypted messaging apps, and social media. In each case, which the secret Police, handles the communications between the people involved in this way.

And for the difference of the operators of traditional services, the companies behind the social media sites are currently under no obligation to retain traffic and location data, or to provide information about the communication.

That does not have access to this data has already had a serious impact on the security service's work. It has become more difficult for us to detect, and prevent terrorist acts. Also, the relations with the other countries suffer, because we are not able to assist in finding the Swedish unions, to the global counter-terrorism strategy. It also has implications when it comes to the investigation of a foreign power, of illegal activities against Sweden, and spies could, therefore, find it easier to work on american soil, and it is more difficult to track down the computer hacking against the Swedish old-growth businesses. An example from the security service's operations.

the Police handling of their underrättelseflöde to be a player to have planned an attack in conjunction with a person who is a resident in another member state. Since they are communicating via messaging apps and social media, we can't even prove that both of them had been in contact.

A EUROPEAN union directive which, among other things, requires member states to establish a settlement, which means that the messaging in social media, have the same obligations to assist law enforcement authorities, the traditional providers. However, in a proposal that is being prepared in the Government offices are exempted for such messaging services from the obligation to retain data in Sweden. This is at the same time, as the technology continues to advance, a trend, which the criminals, of course, use.

Police believe that the proposal will have a major impact on american law enforcement. The government must, therefore, promptly investigate and impose the obligation to retain data.

the evolution of Technology has led to a significant tool that society for a long period of time, they assessed that the law enforcement agencies need to have access to, is more or less a dead letter. At the same time that law enforcement has lost a major tool, so extremistmiljöerna never underrättelsehotet increased, and other serious crimes have become more common.

It is not possible to measure the impact of the development of a serious crime, and the criminal activities directed against Sweden's security has been affected by law enforcement for several years, impairing the ability of the. The evolution of technology has led to a significant tool that society for a long period of time, they assessed that the law enforcement agencies need to have access to, is more or less a dead letter. At the same time that law enforcement has lost a major tool, so extremistmiljöerna never underrättelsehotet increased, and other serious crimes have become more common.

to enable the law enforcement authorities on suspicion of a serious criminal offence to obtain information about who has communicated with whom, via messaging apps and social media would be a part of the law-enforcement capacity that has been lost in recent years to be able to be recovered. One possibility, which it is now proposed to Sweden to shoot in the future.

We have an opportunity to retake the portions of the leading edge technology has given the crime rate, but it may not be a possibility. This needs to be addressed. The security service believes that, even in the american laws need to be introduced to such a storage. The messaging services of the social media sites are subject to the same obligations as traditional operators.

In april this year proposed a new law on the secret serial data entry into force of the agreement. It is a good thing, but it is the law, it does not solve the problem as described here. In addition, the effect of the act is to be reduced on the proposal, which is now being prepared will be the reality.

Police are working each and every day, for a more secure Sweden). At the same time, we are faced with a reality in which crime is constantly breaking new ground, extremistmiljöerna is greater than at any time in the past, and underrättelsehotet to Sweden continues to grow. For Sweden's security, it is essential that the legislation to be adapted according to the needs of society by technological progress.

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