The DN of the Debate. Now let's go forward with the legislation on labor migration


the alliance government, on simplified in 2008, the Swedish companies find the right competence through labour migration. This meant that the employers – not th

the alliance government, on simplified in 2008, the Swedish companies find the right competence through labour migration. This meant that the employers – not the unions or the government – to decide when they need to hire people from other countries. It is at the core of the reform is to be protected and maintained. People can come and work in that is necessary for Swedish companies to grow, create more jobs and contribute to the uk welfare system.

In recent years, it has become clear that much more needs to be done in order to attract expertise to and in order to get them to stay here. This process is in many of the company's biggest obstacles to growth. And it is the most urgent problem now is the ”kompetensutvisningar,” which affects the high-skilled workers from other countries who have come to Sweden and work here and make a living for themselves. Now, we need no more analysis, no sharp action, in order to maintain the expertise in Sweden. Kompetensutvisningarna need to bring an immediate halt.

migrant workers are exploited, the welfare system is being abused and they have become a lucrative business for criminals. It was never the intention of the influx of foreign labour. The liberal reforms need to be cared for. Therefore, strong measures are required against fraud and abuse. And conditions regarding maintenance, which allows migrant workers who want to bring their families to Sweden, to be able to provide for them, if they don't make a living for themselves.

the Government is refusing to come forward with the proposal despite the fact that there is a claim from a riksdagsmajoritet, and despite the fact that it's a tool to cheat the board itself has been asked for, and that the national audit office has recommended to the government to put in place.

in Addition, asylum system credibility. According to a recent report by the government Delegation for the migrationsstudier (Delmi), one of the top ten, with the deportation order, nonetheless, a residence permit, among other things, by ”changing tracks”. This means that a person who has received a rejection on their asylum claim can apply for a work permit. It sends a bad signal to the a no is a no. That's why we take away the ability for tracking. The government, on the other hand, to facilitate the tracking.

now, to come to grips with these apparent problems, as a matter of urgency. But the government is dragging its feet behind him, also in this case. The government has at several points made it clear to the government what it needs to do, but the government may or may not want to do what is necessary.

today, we are in the socialförsäkringsutskottets the table of the parliament, presented a strong proposal for a new law on the access of the income. This means that the Swedish migration board will have access to the Swedish Tax agency, the social security office and to the Enforcement office's databases and the means. Therefore would be tax fraud, fraud by false employment and low wages to be able to effectively.

It has now been three years since the investigation presented a proposal on the legislation, which would improve the efficiency of the Swedish Migration board's work to fight fraud, but in spite of the obvious need, the government has not wanted to revisit the issue. That is until now – when we are presented with the stark law. It's unconvincing. Consequently, we are going to move forward with this initiative.

< a färdigutrett, and has already remissbehandlat proposal, which so far has been in a desk drawer in the cabinet office of the COUNCIL in 2016:91). The government refuses to come forward with the proposal despite the fact that there is a claim from a riksdagsmajoritet by a statement from the moderate party, The sweden democrats, the Centre party, the Christian democrats and the Liberals.

And despite the fact that it's a tool to cheat the board itself has been asked for, and that the national audit office has recommended to the government to put in place.

the Need for access is confirmed out of a myndighetsgemensam progress report in 2019 on the phenomenon of organised crime. Which highlights the fact that many of the foreign workers are ready to working under poor working conditions and low wages. The workers do not want to tell you about the cheating, and breaches of the rules, as they feel that there is a risk that they may suffer the consequences and be forced to leave. This is not only a matter of ruthlessly exploiting the people, and to the use of american aningslöshet. The government's firmness in this case are, therefore, makes no sense.

However, there are also a lot of the unusual political times, with a government that does not are in agreement about the direction of travel and are not able to reach agreement even on a joint government.

However, the government's resistance must be the opposition to take over the task at hand. We did it in the autumn of the year 2018, when the coalition agreement came out at the time. We did this a couple of weeks ago in order to end up with a budget that is better to prioritize the well-being and security ahead of release, and the inefficient labour market. And we did it when we called a halt to the government's irresponsible reshaping of the public employment service. In Sweden it is the parliament that controls the government, not the government, which controls the parliament.

While the government and the januaripartierna now, idly looking down at his 73 points, the moderate party and the Christian democrats, the Swedish real issues that need to be addressed. And to take the necessary political initiatives. We will continue to seek the support of the parliament, in order to preserve the ability of businesses to recruit key skills from abroad. And, at the same time, vigorously put a stop to the fraud and abuse of the system.

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