The DN of the Debate. Löfvens the women's movement, the government has been put at a disadvantage to the women,


In the regeringsförklaringen in 2014, announced by Stefan Löfven, that ”Sweden's new government is a feminist government. Inhibition of the roles and the struc

In the regeringsförklaringen in 2014, announced by Stefan Löfven, that ”Sweden's new government is a feminist government. Inhibition of the roles and the structures to be controlled. Women and men should have the same power to shape society and their own lives. This is how our society is, and each and every individual to reach his or her full potential.”

the Questions were many, was a journalist and the government of any significant difference in comparison with other governments? After, in 1981, the days of a journalist and the government, it is timely to take stock of the results.

it is, Unfortunately, a grim picture is emerging as to the government's actual policy to be reviewed. In the Only review: ”in 1981, the days of A review by the government Löfvens and feminist politics” , it is clear that the aim of the government has failed miserably in several major areas.

the Cooperation between the Centre party, the Liberals, the social democrats and the green Party have contributed to an increase in the inequality between men and women.

We are reviewing the policy of the government in the four key areas for gender equality are: the budgetary policy of cooperation, the development of the safety issues and exposure to crime, foreign policy, asylum and immigration policy. < / span> 1 Economic policy, a billion for them.

the Parliamentary research service in a recent survey looked at the distributional impact of the government's " all of the reforms in the area of economic policy. The result of the government's overall reform, since 2014 is that men's disposable income increases by 1.25 billion, annually, than it is for women. Men with high levels of income are the major beneficiaries of the government's economic policy.

the Government's varied economic policies are an outcome of political bargaining in order to hold on to power. It is the social Democrats ' explanation, not an excuse. In the end, it is the women who pay the price for the government's policies and the growing inequalities in our society.


Security and vulnerability to crime – a greater sense of insecurity for women. : The national trygghetsundersökningen, NTU, which is presented annually, showing that the exposure to crime among women is on the continuation of historically high levels – in spite of the government's ”efforts”. In recent years, there has been an increase in the rate among women who report that they have been the victim of a crime. More than every fourth woman in russia to 2018 to be the victim of a crime. This includes, inter alia, crimes of sexual violence, assault and battery, personrån and harassment.

Nearly one in ten women between the ages of 16-84 years old) stated that they were subjected to crimes of sexual violence, in 2018, a slight decrease from the previous year, but still well above normal. Since 2012, there has been a dramatic increase in the number of crimes of sexual violence.

A large proportion of the women said in the survey that they feel unsafe. Here, there is a clear difference between men and women. Among the women, said as many as 36 per cent that they feel unsafe, and one in ten women avoid to go out alone. The corresponding figures for women are 19% and 2%, respectively. When men no longer dare to move about freely in society is a serious problem.

3 Foreign policy is a castle in the air.

When Stefan Löfvens government took office in september 2014, it was announced that Sweden would become the first country in the world to carry out a scientific policy of the eu. What this means in practice is still shrouded in mystery. In a report by the Swedish Defence research agency shows that in Sweden, the lack of a coherent strategy, and instead to rely on the statements and campaigns.

the Cases have been described as ”ambitious” the government's plan and policy of the eu. To vote in saudi Arabia at the united nations kvinnokommission represents, apparently, a part of the plan, as well as to invite Iran's foreign affairs minister, during the ongoing protests in the autumn of 2019.

what is the most important in 1981, the days of a journalist and the government further away from the goal, as Stefan Löfven announced in 2014.

In a letter from October 2019 onwards, argues that the support of the female members of the parliament have increased, and that climate change is now taking more account of men's and women's different needs. All of the areas of the letter are of such a nature that neither can be measured or evaluated. There are no dedicated funds for other investments. It seems to me that a feminist foreign policy is nothing more than a pie in the sky. < / span> 4 Migration – there are more men and fewer women. , Stefan Löfven has been in the field showed the same confusion that characterized the remainder of the social Democrats ' policy. The total to be unable to see the consequences of their own policies, combined with a policy proposal that is, in the best of cases, has been Twitter.

Asylmigrationen to Sweden has consisted of an overwhelming majority in favour of men. Between the years 2015-2019, was granted 650.000 residence, 64 per cent of those awarded to men. There are a total of 130.000 men than for women – the remarkable figures of a woman and the government. At the same time, thousands of women and children to remain in the country.

When it comes to the care of unaccompanied children, the numbers are even more striking. In this group of boys as much as 84 per cent of the total number of applications. The gender balance among young people, it is now 120 males for every 100 females in the 20-year-olds. The government's shift in distribution has affected the gender balance to such an extent that the population of Sweden, for the first time since the 1700s, is now comprised of more men than women.

The area of the industry, the government has failed in its own objectives.

• In some cases, the government has succeeded in maintaining the status quo in other areas, we have seen a drastic impairment when it comes to women's rights and human rights.

the Cooperation between the Centre party, the Liberals, the social democrats and the green Party have contributed to an increase in the inequality between men and women.

the Government's achievements in many areas, it is impossible to assess whether this is by design, we can only speculate.

what is the most important in 1981, the days of a journalist and the government further away from the goal, as Stefan Löfven announced in 2014.

We are going to put the responsible representatives accountable for their policies. For too long, rhetoric, and the castle that has been allowed to dominate the debate in sweden. The government has been allowed to escape with sweeping statements and platitudes. We are here to discuss the political issues, campaigns that help people for real. The report shows in no uncertain terms, that the policy of the government is nothing more than a big failure.

If a man claims to be the world's first, the women's movement and the government will live up to it. To use feminism as a cover for their disastrous policies, are no more than propaganda designed to deceive the English people.
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