Load the car into a lamp post


in the trial, with the poles going on for almost a year, after having already been tested in the city of London. - Asbjørn Mestad had intended to replace its

in the trial, with the poles going on for almost a year, after having already been tested in the city of London.

- Asbjørn Mestad had intended to replace its diesel-powered Audi A6 and buy a new model. However, it turned out that it was cheaper to keep the old car and the purchase of a new electric car. Consequently, he did many other norwegians, whose households now have acquired another car.

the Purchase has resulted in a number of economic and social benefits.

at the time of purchase, a separate fee will be charged to Norway, which usually amounts to about 80,000 dollars for a car.

He paid no tax on the elbilsköpet. The car cost him almost no parking fees or toll rates, and that he is allowed to run in the kollektivkörfält.

" I charge the most at home, and when I get out of it, it is ready to run and is warm to the touch. The range is from 20 to 22 miles, but I drive rarely more than ten miles a day. The car is so good, is how he describes his.

- Asbjørn Mestad. Photo: Lars Lindqvist

on the other hand, he drives the kollektivfält, " he said.

this is starting to be taken away, free of charge parking and free of tolls since the electric vehicles have become for so many of us – he believes that no change will be made when it comes to the freedom to avoid the one-time fee.

"no, No, it will be because Norway has set a target that did not sell fossildrivna cars by the year 2025," says Asbjørn Mestad, who has been a suggestion that the vikings will not have to have two cars, one in their everyday life, and when you want to go to their house.

" You ought to be able to rent an extra battery power with its vendors, when you want to go that far.

it will begin testing a dozen or so chargers in the lamp-posts were of the country, the climate, and the environment at the site. He was talking about the ”new thinking”, and that Norway is in a elbilsrevolution that ”no other country in the vicinity of”.

In Sweden, the center party has proposed that the electric vehicles can be charged in the lamp-posts, the technology is there, but the law has put a stop to.

Read more: Here is a country that is elbilstätast in the world.

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