Influerare the direction of the Consumer


the Consumer protection agency, has reviewed more than 50 influerare, and the business of advertising on social media in the last couple of years. It opens out

the Consumer protection agency, has reviewed more than 50 influerare, and the business of advertising on social media in the last couple of years. It opens out into an eight-page document with tips and advice on how to influerare, or the company should be thinking about.

the Guide includes a checklist with specific instructions on what is what in marketing, in social media.

the items on The checklist are shown, for example, that the message should be adapted so that the reader immediately understands that this is advertising, you need to adapt to who is behind the branding, and that we should not promise more than it can deliver.

and, Further, to warn you of the misleading advertising, and points out that some people, including the young, the old, or the disabled, may find it difficult to critically assess the marketing efforts.

on The 4th of January, launched the national Consumer agency guidance. Photo by: Mickan Palmqvist
We would like to see the word spread among the influerare, who works in marketing in a variety of forms. Also, the company who orders the advertisement, and the platform that brings together influerare can benefit from the guidance, " says Charlotte Söderlund, lawyer at the Swedish Consumer agency, in a news release.

the Document, which is free, and can be found on the Consumer website, the consumer protection agency.see the.

for more information, see Influerarnas advertisements for them are getting hard criticism.

for more information, see "Decision": the Blogger Kissie need a flag for advertising.

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