Dagens nyheter's Debate Them. SD is the most misogynistic party


It is no surprise that the Awards However, and the Bud Here is not one word of concern Only their own policies but devoted a whole article to the claims of the

It is no surprise that the Awards However, and the Bud Here is not one word of concern Only their own policies but devoted a whole article to the claims of the government.

the Only course of policy is made by men, for men. The party leader, group leaders and deputy group leaders in the parliament, and the party secretary are all women. Their riksdagsbänkar is a long series of men. The suppressing of women who have been victims of sexual assault and harassment, and several of the former SD in women is indicative of a deeply unhealthy partikultur, which is likely the reason that so many of their elected members are women.

he had the most misogynistic party, and we are delighted that the Awards However, and Linda is Here to give us the opportunity to be here to make our equal opportunities policy is in stark contrast to theirs.

When Stefan Löfvens government took office in 2014 and immediately started working for the advancement of gender equality. Below is a selection of some of the reforms necessary for the advancement of gender equality, which up to now we have carried out the following:


We have increased the pensions of the poorest pensioners. , We know that those who worked in health care, education, and other omsorgsyrken in the vast majority of women. These are the professionals who have been, and still is, very low wages, which affect the pension, and negative impact. Then add the other things to take such leave and, perhaps, a single of which affect the economy and your pension. The pension increases which we have passed to a choice and pushed through, have been to increase pensions for those with the lowest levels of pension benefits. In the social democrat-led government retirees averaged 1100 dollars more a month. Next year will also introduce a pension credit on up to 600 dollars per month for the working life, but which have a low pension.

2 , Samtyckeslagstiftningen.

For us, the socialists, all human beings have a natural right to his or her own body and sexuality. In the summer of 2018 took samtyckeslagstiftningen into force of the agreement. It is a piece of legislation that is based on the principle that sex should be on a voluntary basis. It's not voluntary, then it is illegal.

3 , Tightened the punishment for rape. In 2018, and entered into two new criminal offences, in effect, through negligence, rape, and ill-considered sexual assault by a prison term of up to five years. The punishment of aggravated rape and aggravated rape against a child picked up from years in prison to five.

4 , Raised the money. In march 2018, then increased, finally, children. Then, if it hadn't been increased since 2006, as the center-right parties have not made any increases at all during his tenure in the government between 2006-2014. The child allowance was raised to 2018 of 200 crowns per month, per child, from 1050 sek 1250 sek)

all of our policies and guidelines, of democracy, the beginning of the world, when we are pushing for women's right to vote, to the present-day work to end the sexual violence, as well as higher pensions for the country's women.

It is very important that they are informed about how the policy options under consideration and the serious health consequences of waiting for the Swedish women, The sweden democrats have a determining influence on national policy-making.

in the women " s suffrage, child welfare, ethiopia, kvinnofridslagstiftningen, financial support to families, the right to work, särbeskattning and aborträtten is a reform that has become a reality, thanks to the socialist and social democratic parties. The fight continues each and every day, year in and year out.

The economic policies have to be fair. Equality is not only a klassdimension, but it is also about sex. A new tax reform, the need to reduce the gap between high - and low-income groups, and between men and women.

However, with the sweden democrats ' policy, the gap to increase, not decrease. They want to take away the pappamånaderna, which will lead to more gender inequality to the home and, by extension, the inferior status of women in the labour market, lower pay and reduced pensions. They wants to re-introduce paid parental leave in order to get rid of women from the labour market and making them economically dependent on their husbands. The item-by-item are targeting The cape to the country's women, in their policy proposals.

- We welcome the Swedish initiative to launch a debate with the us on gender equality. It is important that they are informed about how the policy options under consideration and the serious health consequences of waiting for the Swedish women, The sweden democrats have a determining influence on national policy-making.
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