As you plan for retirement – at any age


the most Important thing in a 20-year-olds to work, because it gives the allmänpension. "As each is considered, it is a good idea to start early and to work

the most Important thing in a 20-year-olds to work, because it gives the allmänpension.

"As each is considered, it is a good idea to start early and to work in the summer, in addition to studies," says Christina Battle, pensionsekonom in My retirement.

in Retirement, then? You can find the experts.

" You will need to save for other things. There is also a lot that can change in the pension system, in just a few short years.

" as Private pensions, you do not need to keep in mind. However, it might be a good idea to start with a long-term savings is in an account, in order to get in the way, " says Mattias, Merry, pensionsekonom in the Uk.

the Job provides a pension, that is why it is important to get a good education and a job with an occupational pension, and collective bargaining agreements, like Mattias was Happy. However, to study for a long time.

" a Lot of people choose to take a degree, and it is, of course, is a good opportunity for a great career. It should be noted that the latter established themselves in the labour market, the fewer the years you have to save up for retirement.

On the 30th, most have begun to establish themselves in the labour market. This is the time to find out what the rules of occupational pension.

"There are different rules, depending on which one you have, and it's good to know about," says Kristina of the Fight.

make Sure that you have an occupational pension scheme, and to make an active choice.

"It could be that I'm happy with it as is, but it is important to be well informed about the terms and conditions," says Mattias was Happy.

working a part-time basis for longer periods of time may have a negative impact on your pension, it can result in the consequence that you are falling behind in wage levels.

"But you don't have to have anxiety for short periods of time of a part-time basis, for example, when you need to be at home with the children," said Christina Kamp.

if you are a self-employed person should make sure that you have at least the same level of security and the terms and conditions of an employee.

enlist the help of a consultant is to recommend it, " says Mattias Munter.

The 40-year-olds is different to many. It is not going to be an economic shock, it is good to be prepared for their job.

" As a couple, you have to take one in the morning and go through how both of their pensions are going to be like. Can any of us repay more on the loan, and we have a repayment cover?

When you get to 45, it is good to review their pension forecast.

" If you don't already have it, you can log on to the minpension.look and see what the situation is. However, with only one eye, there is still much that is unclear with regard to the forecast.

some people have gotten themselves in a bit of a career, and got a higher salary. Where can salary exchange be necessary.

" the high-income earners, who earn 45 000 per month and above may make use of salary exchange. This will reduce his salary knowingly, and saving for retirement. Those under 45 will have to save privately in a different way.

the Forecast is becoming more relevant and the closer to retirement we will be. Here, it is useful to see the expected retirement of the new one.

" Provpensionera you in a month's time to see if you can pull it off. Would you be willing to live with this?, tell Kristina to Fight.

it Feels like it's hard? To save you more. In general, the 50-year-olds to be able to put aside a little more money in a month.

" for most of us, a different kind of economy, when the kids have moved out. It is often a good time to raise from their own savings, " says Mattias was Happy.

another option is to work longer, if you feel like it. Consider for how long you are going to do the work, and to plan for what happens if you get ill or out of work.

you have to Have a plan, and a reserve on it, don't care, " says Christina, a Fight.

Now is the time to plan for the future. How long are you going to do the work, and how much of a pension you should find out when the time comes?

"does it still Feel motivated to go to work, of course, continue to work a few more years, then, there is a lot of positive effects for the pensions," says Mattias was Happy.

How much of a pension you are going to find out, it can be a difficult one.

" It's not so easy to add to the puzzle, and you have quite a lot of freedom. The chances are that you have to take out a lot of for a short period of time, " says Mattias was Happy.

remember, there are quite a lot, depending on when the pension is taken out.

"If you do, it's from the year you turn 66, you pay a lower tax than if you were doing it in the past," says Kristina, Fight, and continued:

" Many people are doing both; that is to say, to take out a pension and to work a little bit. You can also choose to increase savings in order to supplement, and to lose hours of work, such as working a part-time basis, " says Christina, a Fight.

do you still Have the energy, it is a good addition to their cash register to work.

at 65, it is extremely worthwhile to work on it as possible. You have to double the earned income tax credit and pays no tax on the salaries, " says Christina, a Fight.

There are a variety of different ways to work after the age of 65. Join one of the veteranpool, work at your current job, or start their own business.

Once you have made up your mind to retire, it is good if the puzzle is placed on. It can be difficult to change the age of retirement in the post.

" we hope that this one has a good plan for a long and healthy life, and to live life as a retiree. It is usually not so simple to change the conditions for charging when they get started.

After the age of 65, you are entitled to special assistance, such as the guarantee pension, which is available to anyone who has little or no earned income during your lifetime.

" a Guarantee you will not need to apply for, it is tested automatically. After the age of 65, you can apply for housing supplement, " says Christina, a Fight.

Read more: Here are the contributions and the benefits that will be raised by 2020.

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