The Justice Commission is processing the sedition and embezzlement reform, which will now go to the Plenary Session of Congress


MADRID, 13 Dic.


The Congressional Justice Commission has approved this Tuesday the bill that suppresses the crime of sedition and that includes a reform of the crime of embezzlement agreed by PSOE and Esquerra Republicana (ERC). The text has gone ahead with 19 votes in favor of socialists, 'purple', ERC and PNV compared to 17 against PP, Vox, Cs, Junts and CUP, while Bildu has chosen to abstain.

After this step, the opinion will be raised to the Plenary Session of Congress, where an absolute majority (176 votes) is required since it is a norm of organic rank.

The Commission was held after this Monday afternoon the PSOE, Unidas Podemos and ERC approved in a closed-door meeting of the presentation the changes proposed by the Government plus the reform of the crime of embezzlement, which is now already incorporated into the law that suppresses the crime of sedition, just the two crimes for which the leaders of the independence process of 2017 were convicted.


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