Work from home in the heat, it is not the responsibility of the employer to


the Netherlands, their homes while we were in the middle of a heat wave, sit. However, where an employer, at the workplace, however, is responsible for a cool w

the Netherlands, their homes while we were in the middle of a heat wave, sit. However, where an employer, at the workplace, however, is responsible for a cool workplace, it is not at home, it appears from discussion with employers ' association AWVN and the trade union, the FNV.

"an employer is not required to have a cool workplace at home, to be sure," says the spokesperson of the employers ' association AWVN on Tuesday. "And don't need the expense of, for example, a fan or air conditioner will not have to pay for it."

the trade Union, the FNV acknowledges that. "Not all of the same rules that apply in the office apply to work at home." But for now, it is the opinion of the government, in connection with the coronamaatregelen people, en masse, work at home, both with the employers ' association as a trade union, or the tools to make the hot thuiswerkleed to help.

So, both for the consultation and the working hours are subject to change. "For example, at the edges of the end of the day, the heat is in your work space," explains a spokesperson from the TRADE date. Assist both the employers and the union that employees are more likely to pause would be to incorporate, in a cool place. "And more likely to take a shower."

sun protection, in all cases, as required, but in this case, the employer does not have to suffer the costs of it. We would like to, for example, the curtains are closed, it is recommended as a cost-neutral solution for this purpose.

for example, If workers are already struggling with health problems, and, as a result of the heat, the more weight, they should consult with the company about what wisdom is. "He is the employee with tailored advice to give," says the AWVN.

If you do not have to do that, then perhaps it is for the office

In the working conditions decree, the implementation of the Act, which rules are laid down for occupational health programs, for there is no concrete information about, for example, at what temperature does it have to do in order to work from home. "The working conditions decree is the only way that the temperature is no harm to the health of the worker may cause."

the working hours are to suit and are more likely to pause and to will, in any case, the productivity of the employees back. 'A warm and home office will have a lower productivity, as well as a rotgevoel," the UNION commented. In some offices, employees are back in dribs and drabs to go. "If it's not really to do at home, you may be able to make arrangements to get out of the office to work."

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