We may have to pay dearly


TV-tip that takes you on holiday On the part of Norwegian hotels (but not all) is served buffet-breakfast where people are tightly packed and supplies of the s

TV-tip that takes you on holiday

On the part of Norwegian hotels (but not all) is served buffet-breakfast where people are tightly packed and supplies of the same food supplier and use the same serveringsbestikk. Some are to wash their hands with Antibac before they pick food, while others do not. Not on any of the hotels I have visited now in the summer, there have been a few that have controlled of we used the Antibac on your hands.

WORRIED: Biologist Nils Chr. Stenseth is one of Norway's most renowned professors, and reacts after norgesferien. Show more

It is clear that this entails a high risk of infection – if any of the guests would be infected by the corona. It will be far safer (as some hotels do) to serve each guest a far simpler breakfast with some salami slices and a little cheese in addition to butter and bread. Far more boring than a great buffet breakfast – but far safer.

the tragedy of The example with the ship " MS Roald Amundsen shows us just how little it takes before we get a new outbreaks, which may, in turn, will be able to increase the risk of a far larger virus-resurgence in the autumn.

On the plane we sit up further as herring in a barrel – "one-metre rule" applies apparently not on board the aircraft. Admittedly, it is required with a face mask – but there is hardly any solid scientific results that say how much you can shrink the they about all have a face mask.

Therefore, they travel abroad,

It seems to me obvious the economic interests go before reasonable helseverntiltak. Several places in Norway, we can now see the results of this policy, which is based on a mishmash of solid professional advice and pressure from large sectors with strong economic interests of both short-term and long-term in nature.

This confusion of academic assessments and economic interests is taking place far out over the ferieaktivitetene. But ferietida is the high season for that many moves, and thus can the danger of infection may be greater than otherwise in the year. This implies that the authorities should listen especially carefully to the professional advice, rather than give in to economic interests.

We can come to had to pay dearly for that, not the public health authorities are better able to resist the lobbyists and others with short-term economic interests. And the authorities - and then first and foremost the ministry of Health and the ministry of Health - presents his advice as though they are professionally well-founded, while they in reality are based on a mix of different considerations, weakens also the trust of the medical devices.

This can have further very unfortunate long-term consequences, not least when we need solid professional advice most, just like we did in the early phase of the korona epidemic.

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