The virus didn't help outer right


Kredittgjeld? This will save you thousands Major crises in society, open political opportunities for those who understand how to exploit them. During the cor

Kredittgjeld? This will save you thousands

Major crises in society, open political opportunities for those who understand how to exploit them. During the corona epidemic in Europe has the spotlight and fjernsynskameraene been directed against governments, while the opposition has stood in the shadow, no matter what you have tried. Outer right, Bed in Italy during Matteo Salvino, National Collection (RN) in France under Marine Le Pen and the Vox in Spain under Santiago Abascal, have been helpless when people are not concerned about immigrants and the EUROPEAN union-hat, but instead would like to thank the public health system for help.

Turn On the LydErrorAllerede plus customer? Log into herError ALICANTE Nearly three months after Spain went in lockdown, be the first tourists from the EUROPEAN union and the Schengen area drop back into the country to 21. June. Reporter: Embla Deer-Larsen. Video: Ingunn Dorholt. Show more

Not the not attempted. But they have not managed to whip up a revolt among the voters against their government's handling of the epidemic, even though it was made many errors. A promising attempt took place in Spain. Marine Le Pen in the National Collection (RN) in France and Matteo Salvini in Bed in Italy came with to see if there was something to learn at Vox.

In Spain came Abascal into the head of the third largest group in the Deputertkongressen after the election in november of last year, but the institution has to some extent tamed them. The region catalonia's failed attempt to secede came all the way in the background from when the virus hit. Together with the powerful høyrevrien in the conservative people's party (PP) under the leader Pablo Casado, denied this Vox political oxygen. They have lived in skyggenes dal behind the opposition leader Casado. In the debate about the corona measures for the arts used the Vox the whole taletida to require state aid for bullfighting.

But the hope came from the richest of the rich, Salamanca and El Viso in Madrid, the richest districts in the country. In the country where the concept originated had some through the social media set in the time guerilla – "småkrig" – against prime minister Pedro Sánchez and his government of Sosialistpartiet (PSOE) and the Unidas Podemos (UP). From the balconies and terraces sounded pot-concerts, and the requirements about the prime minister's departure. The uprising spread to the millionærenes and kjendisenes resort town of Marbella on the Mediterranean sea and then to some other cities in early may.

Life in alarm condition Comment

In a few weeks we were witnesses to a strange sight. At 18 total people on the balconies to clap for the heroes in the public health system. An hour later came, far less, out for banging on the pots its against Sánchez and his "socio-communist government." 17. may went several hundred in Salamanca down in the streets from the balconies with a huge Spanish flag over his shoulders without bothering about the rules of the plot. On social media went out the guidance to film the police if they intervened, and to not have identity cards in order to force the police to bring them in for a judge in the case argued. Typical guerrilla, aligning needle sticks against an opponent in the hope to elicit an overreaction.

Unknown María Luisa Fernández Hernández, who called themselves "intelligence analyst", claimed to lead the uprising. Vox is the only patriotic party, she said to the newspaper El País, and Spain out of the EUROPEAN union and replace the euro with a listing. A couple of leaders from the Vox took part in the demonstrations, but remained in the background.

the Vox then the possibilities in the people who were tired of being confined, and called to a protestmarsj 23. may of cars and motorcycles in Madrid and other cities. In Madrid they came in thousands, and Abascal spoke from an open-top bus and said that Sánchez is "directly responsible for the worst håndteringa of the global downturn on the entire planet".

Casado and PP nørte up under the grievance: "We are committed to represent these spaniards who are furious at the government". "We understand", it was, and the people have the right to express anger "against the most inept government in a democracy." PP hoped to split the PSOE, and UP and trap Sánchez. Violation of rules for infectious disease would, nevertheless, not PP to defend.

But: 87,8 per cent asked the parties work together during the crisis, in a poll. Around half believed Sánchez had handled the crisis badly, even more, thought it had been worse with Casado. In any case: 19. June was resurrected to an end with the three protesters with Spanish flags on the back. They washed at the opening of the football for apostasy, to El País. Then it must for many have been trapped boredom and not political rebellion that got them out in the streets.

Cross on the chest gave no power Comment

last summer was Salvini "king" of the beach bars in Italy, while he planned an all-time coup. In the middle of the holidays he asked that the deputy prime minister vote of confidence against the prime minister, Giuseppe Conte, but it ended in the political mageplask. Partiløse Conte formed the new government of Femstjernersbevegelsen (M5S) and the Democratic Party (PD). Conte has today greater confidence than any other political leader (61 per cent). Salvini and the Bed has fallen from 38 per cent support in the last summer to 25 of the measurements now. The virus has prevented Salvini from to keep folkemøter, and people are not concerned with immigrants who do not come.

Le Pen and RN did a less good municipal elections in France recently. The only city with more than a hundred thousand inhabitants, where they won is Perpignan, the Catalan capital in France, where the former her to Le Pen, Louis Ostenil, was the mayor. But all the major cities, Paris, Marselle, Lyon and Lille went to the left, to the Sosialistpartiet (PS) and the green valgforbund. The newspaper Le Monde calls the Marseille for venstresidas new laboratory.

Latin-Europe's outer right gets no help from the trosfrender further north: the book by geert mak Wilders in the Netherlands and the Alternative for Germany (AfD), requires "not one euro for free to Italy" – not to Spain, nor – from the European union's planned funds for the reconstruction.

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