The united STATES sets the global kvinnehelse on the game


TV-tip that takes you on holiday Avril Benoît Show more While many of the world's leaders are working to combat the overwhelming number of humanitarian crises

TV-tip that takes you on holiday Avril Benoît Show more

While many of the world's leaders are working to combat the overwhelming number of humanitarian crises that the world faces – the most aggravated of coronapandemien, the united STATES is using its power to prevent life-saving assistance reaches women.

Doctors Without Borders look around the world women who are struggling to acquire the helsehjelpen they need. Healthcare rods, means of transportation decreases, supplies of drugs and contraceptives is limited, and time-critical services to be delayed. The consequences are enormous. Unless we act now, women and girls die of causes that can be prevented or they can risk lifelong disorders because they do not have access to necessary health care.

health Care for women, pregnancy and midwifery, safe abortion, or in connection with sexualized violence and access to contraception, is essential and necessary health care. Nevertheless, it is often neglected, especially in emergency situations. At the same time, it is often so that the health risks for girls and women to multiply during a crisis.

Nevertheless, the united STATES is using its huge power as the largest economic contributor within the global health, to cut funding to these vital services.

Last out is the attempt to gag all references to sexual and reproductive health in an important resolution in the united nations economic and social council (ECOSOC), which is to strengthen humanitarian emergencies. Now that this is needed most.

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In the resolution are the member states encouraged to "ensure safe access to sexual and reproductive health services to effectively cater to women, girls and baby's needs."

One single line in red sticking out: "the united STATES: Can not support references / that which is to be connected to to the sexual and reproductive health in this text."

It is not the first time the united STATES use discouraging words when it comes to areas which includes the global kvinnehelse. In 2018 issued the us department of state a number of internal memos in which they instructed their UN diplomats to limit support to programs for sexual and reproductive health, and to oppose the international resolutions that use the term "sexual and reproductive health".

In 2019 succeeded the united STATES to remove any reference to sexual and reproductive health care in a resolution in the Un security council on sexualized violence in conflict.

Now during the pandemic, the country's leader opposed the Un's global humanitarian responsplan for covid-19, because "sexual and reproductive health services on the cynical view is equated with food security, essential health care, malnutrition, shelter and sanitetsforhold".

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in the Middle of a crisis is abusing the united STATES its power to roll back decades of advances within the global kvinnehelse.

Sexual and reproductive health care is not a code word for abortion. There is an extensive range of services, including pregnancy check-ups, midwifery, nyfødtomsorg, health care in connection with the sexualized violence, and sexually transmitted diseases, birth control and safe abortion. This is completely and fully necessary services where the need is often acute.

A study Guttmacher Institute estimates that 80 percent of the important kvinnehelsetjenester will be lost as a result of nedleggelsene during the pandemic, including access to contraception and safe abortion. The study estimates that a ten percent cut would lead to approximately 15 million additional unintended pregnancies, more than 3 million more unsafe abortions and more than 28.000 mødredødsfall.

The terrible reality is that more women likely to die as a result of the indirect consequences of the pandemic than from the virus itself. We must avoid to politicize the health care and focus on the medical evidence: Sexual and reproductive health care saves lives.

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In the 2017 re-instituted and expanded united STATES the so-called Global Gag Rule (also known as Mexico City Policy ) to prevent health care that encompasses and works with safe abortion. The decision ends u.s. government support to organizations that work, perform, inform, or guide around the medical safe abortion. It involves not only the organizations that is working only with this, but all organizations as a way to have this in their programs.

Doctors Without Borders does not accept us statelige funds and are therefore not affected by the decision, but in the field we see the harmful effects of the policy. It comes to our projects from the mothers and prenatal care to nutrition programmes, malariabehandling and hiv treatment.

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So what can be done? Governments and the health care worker must make it clear that sexual and reproductive health care is essential care, and to prioritise these services then.

We must do our best to minimise the risk of bevegelsesbegrensninger for health professionals, the closure of health services and lack of supplies of medicines and equipment. Communities need urgent and clear guidance, when misinformation and fear also prevents women from accessing health services they need.

We need promises that are kept and concrete action from world leaders, including the united STATES, to meet the extraordinary humanitarian challenges that lie ahead of us.

We must ensure that women and girls have access to life-saving health care – in the midst of a pandemic, and also in the aftermath.

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