The right to error to be definitively adopted in the Parliament


The national Assembly voted Tuesday night in favour of the draft law "for a State in the service of a trusted company". The errors will not be automatically

The national Assembly voted Tuesday night in favour of the draft law "for a State in the service of a trusted company".

The errors will not be automatically sanctioned by the administration be subject to "good faith". The majority LREM-MoDem as well as the deputies IDU-Act and socialists voted Tuesday night for the draft law establishing a "right to error". The Untamed, the communists and the LR is spoken against.

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Except in the case of "bad faith" or "fraud", "a person who is disregarded for the first time a rule" or "having committed a material error" may not be the subject of a sanction "if it has regularised its situation on its own initiative or after being asked to do so by the administration", says the text adopted. For example, if the mother of a baby returns to work before the end of his parental leave, but forget to report it to the FCA, it shall return the monies paid but will not incur penalties.

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As for enterprises, they may request an administrative control to ensure that they are in compliance. The findings will then be enforceable.

A unique reference point

The bill "for a State at the service of a trusted company" includes also the implementation on an experimental basis of a "single point of contact", responsible to handle requests of the users by the various administrations concerned, the simplification of the procedure for the installation of wind turbines offshore or the reduction of terms of creation of places for childcare.

The text removes in addition to the associations cultuelles to the field of interest representatives, a measure that had provoked heated debate among members of parliament, including within the ranks of the majority.

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In the chamber, the secretary of State Olivier Dussopt, who brought this text to the sides of the minister of the Action and of the public Accounts Gérald Darmanin, has welcomed the end of "more than 100 hours of parliamentary debate," the beginning of a "transformation of the relations between citizens and the administration", and not "yet another act of simplification".

Sharp criticism of the opposition

For their part, the Dissenters criticized that the tasks of the administration are increased at the same time to "the drastic reduction of thousands of jobs". Their speaker Ugo Bernalicis quoted Jaurès, on the anniversary of his death: "abundance is the fruit of a good administration." "I can only imagine that your conception of the right to the error is the one that has been able to apply to Mr. Benalla," with "15 days" layoff originally, he also ironisé, so that the session of the afternoon was devoted to two motions of censure against the government, around the case relating to the ex-collaborator of the Elysée.

Read our complete file : the website of the government on the right to the error The employees home victims progress to caregivers? Right to be wrong: a revolution or a coup?

Finally, the right has argued that the "the account is not there", the France remaining "champion of the world administrative complexity". The member of parliament Arnaud Viala has in particular pointed to the inequality of access to the administration on the territory.

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