The last thing we need


Kredittgjeld? This will save you thousands the Decision was announced , the money cut and utmeldingen expected, but it's still disappointing. Tuesday night

Kredittgjeld? This will save you thousands

the Decision was announced , the money cut and utmeldingen expected, but it's still disappointing. Tuesday night came the news that Donald Trump's administration, now has sent the letter that formally announces the united STATES out of the World health organization, WHO. Stéphane Dujarric, spokesman for Un secretary-general António Guterres, confirms that the united nations has received information about utmeldingen. He said Tuesday that utmeldingen will take a year, and that the united STATES must meet the triggering requirements for financial support. The country is the largest contributor to the WHO and contributed in the last year with around 553 million dollars to the organization, according to the New York Times.

in the Midst of a worldwide pandemic must other countries now contribute more to maintain the Who's budget, instead of to be able to strengthen the organization and make it better equipped to meet the challenges ahead.

It should be obvious: A pandemic is a bad time to turn the world back. While coronaviruset spreads on all continents, we need more international cooperation not less. About the pandemic will be stopped, the WHO is a necessary part of the solution.

Donald Trump is right that the WHO made the initial error in the handling of the virus. They waited too long to turn the alarm. But the only Trump claims that the organization is under chinese control and intentionally kept back information about how dangerous coronaviruset really is.

the united STATES should really see the need for the World health organization, when the country itself has the highest number of infected and died of the Covid-19 in the entire world. The numbers of new infected both in the united STATES and worldwide this week changed all the previous records. We do not have the virus under control. At the same time we have an american president who is attempting to pacify its own population through to boast of his own efforts and blame it on everyone else at the same time. It is dangerous.

WHO are our most important weapons against coronaviruset, because the world is in dire need of someone to coordinate the global picture of infection and disease. The WHO collects data from all over the world and provides medical advice based on all available information, and the organization controls large parts of the work against infectious diseases.

There is a danger that the organisation's work will be weakened just when the world needs it most. Right now this is the last thing we need.

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