The constant spread of fear


The best musical filmtipsene the Newspaper spoke 16. may a petition to get changed or stopped a research project on tredagersintervensjonen the Lightning Proce

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the Newspaper spoke 16. may a petition to get changed or stopped a research project on tredagersintervensjonen the Lightning Process (LP) by ME/CFS. Norway's ME-association have also written letters to Forskningsetisk committee of the NTNU. In The Newspaper 26. may describes Olav Osland and Bjørn K Getz Wold, in the ME association their vision.

Scares ME-sick

Recovery Norway (RN) is an organization of people who have experienced to be healthy through strategies that change the body's reaction patterns through changes in thought and action. Many have availed themselves of the Lightning process. RN is the support organization for the planned study on the tredagersintervensjonen.

We believe it is worrying that individuals and organizations trying to stop and affect the research and that researchers who are not perceived to contribute to the "correct view" motarbeides. ME organizations internationally and in Norway is unilaterally negative research on everything that is associated with something "psychological".

Turn On the LydErrorAllerede plus customer? Log into herError WORRIED: Physician and professor Vegard Bruun Bratholm Wyller is afraid of ME-the sick are scared away from trying cognitive adferdsterapi, a treatment research shows that can help. Video: Nina Hansen / Sally Førsund Show more

We see a constant proliferation of fear and nedsnakking of such strategies. This can prevent the work work, influence the recruitment to the studies, and affect the results. If the trust, expectation, hope, and motivation is important, very negative review seem like a noceboeffekt (the opposite of placebo), and worsen your bodily reactions. Our members have often experienced how the fear of worsening is located in helseproblemet and how important it is to dare to try.

When Osland and Getz Wold, in the ME association writes that they are not against research on the LP "if it can be insured that the patient's disease is not worsened", illustrates the reluctance. If you had to insure completely against negative outcomes, would not medical research could take place at all.

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What is research about the Lightning process? Previous research on cognitive therapy and the first randomised, controlled study on LP (Crawley et al., 2018) shows positive changes, and perhaps most importantly: it was safe.

In the one qualitative study reported seven of the nine young people better or healthy after the course, while two had no effect. One of these was guilt for not succeeding, and experienced, therefore, to have it worse. Another qualitative study showed that the dividends of the course requires understanding of content, confidence in the instructor, and the mastery of the method.

- They say I'm dangerous Review Plus

Osland and Getz Wold, type that the LP is all about suppressing symptoms, but our members do not know this again. For them, it's all about to identify and find alternatives to negative patterns of thought and action, and thus affect bodily reactions. Many of our members have had the ME diagnosis for all the criteria, and some have been among the sickest patients, which is in a dark room for years, and still have experienced a dividend.

We fear that tredagersintervensjonen the Newspaper reviews will be the subject of systematic motarbeiding. It must hegnes of the scientists and the project's integrity.

Full-ME war: - Never experienced similar

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